On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 09:22:26 +0200, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>The link to troubleshooting resources should probably be either in the
>header or the sidebar. 

That was my first thought too, but to make it noob-prove it's probably
better to add it as a chapter to each help.

>Placed within the guide, i would expect it to be specifically for
>troubleshooting graphic applications, which in itself would be nice

It's possible to link against a specific chapter.


instead of


We also could make it vice versa and link from the trouble shooting
page to the trouble shooting chapters of the application help.

>The good reflex would be to add an entry in
>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/TroubleShooting each
>time a support case has been solved.


At least such information should be collected and if it got enough
"hits" moved to troubleshooting FAQ.

Consider troubleshooting not only something that has to do with bugs or
misconfigured settings, but also with completely cluelessness on how
computerized tools work. Self-reliant learning and testing how such
tools work in their imagination might spark a war, damage the
International Space Station or worse. Humans have different levels of
abstract reasoning.


1. Why can't I hear sound from MIDI tracks? The sound card works, I can
hear audio tracks.

2. What is the difference between a MIDI and an audio track?


1. I draw a background and now I draw on a layer. If I draw with real
watercolours on a background drawn on real paper, the new drawn colour
doesn't cover the background. Drawing with the GIMP brush the colour
does cover the background.


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