
We are all doing volunteer work here, delays do happen. I would say this
layout overall looks great both in desktop and mobile, it is nice to see
the original mockup in action. :) Thank you so much for your continued
hard work in this.

In terms of content of the blurbs I agree that the open source should be
last. I assume it was based on what we currently had on on live state
and old stage including open source comment being on the introduction
and some reasonable mockup where it didn't exist. Either way I assume
that content is modifiable and now that we have a layout, this will be a
good time to start reviewing the static content of the site for anything
that needs hasn't been updated in a long time. I'll take the lead on
that unless somebody would like to volunteer.

So related to that, if you haven't done so already, could you give me,
Len and/or Erich the password to the stage wordpress or create user
accounts for us so that we can see how the internal/updating side of the
theme works? (so that if there is something we need to be able to edit
easily that is not accessible -titles, contents, thumbnails of the
categories, footer text etc- we can let you know. - ) Also how does the
column system behave with different numbers of input other than 6. (I
think it is ok if it simply leaves the place blank but it would be good
to have the flexibility to have blurbs that are not multiples of 3
necessarily ;) )

Also we will need the CC/GPL licenses for the original artwork and
layout, and resource information on anything else that was used. I
assume we will also request work files of the artworks to be put so that
we can resize-reuse them as they are needed. So I assume the next stage
for that will be to give you access so that we can get the layout (and
the licenses) in the ubuntu studio website and art repos, and then the
layout can move to the main canonical servers from there when it is

In terms of the main layout, I am going to perhaps suggest moving the
download box just under the title text, or moving both of them to right,
so that the download box is visible the moment the site is loaded. Right
now it is hidden until scrolled. Many will come to the site also
directly looking for the download link, so I would argue that it is
important to make that visible the moment right away. (this is less of a
concern on mobile device view, but it is on desktop view)

I am wondering if the download link section of the footer is
overwhelming the content on short pages, so it might be worth reducing
the height of that section and the text/icon to 50-70% of its current
sizes. Another thing about the download link is that making that the
background blue is miles brighter than any other background in the
website and as such a bit distracted. Shifting the blue gradient to be a
bit darker (without increasing the contrast of the background image) can
help both with legibility and again not overwhelming the content. That
being said I love the idea of putting a section like that there under
every page.

In terms of Mark's comments on time I assume we will put this up when we
can, especially as uploading of the layout is not something we can
sensitively time, but I assume the "deadline" for the new website is to
get it up in time for the next release (preferably some time before it
so that the contents updated any bugs found by the time release happens)
if at all possible. At the rate this is going I don't see a reason why
it cannot happen. :)

In terms of performance I cannot comment on desktop side as my computer
is a bit too strong so I didn't see the performance issues mentioned,
but on mobile it looked pretty lightweight overall and didn't run into
any major problems and was generally lighter than most websites I
encounter on phone. (I use firefox on android on a relatively new device).

I have a bit of a hectic next could of days but I'll try to test this
site in more detail both for accesibility and using some older computers
and give feedback as will I assume other people here in the ML will
continue to do so as well. Again, thanks for your hard work on this
layout, it looks great! :)



On 7/7/19 5:45 PM, Shinta Carolinasari wrote:
> Hi all,
> I apologize for the late progress.
> We are keep working on it, and here's the latest progress:
> There are outstanding things need to be done, it not finished yet, eg:
> -inner pages refinement and create page template variations
> -documentation
> -make ubuntu fonts self hosted instead of google fonts
> -bug fixings, polishing and optimization
> -Testing, follow WP theme testing/checklist, cross browsers/device
> Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestion based on
> current progress.
> In case you have expected due date when this need to be delivered,
> please just let me know.
> Regards,
> Shinta
> On 6/11/2019 7:29 PM, Shinta Carolinasari wrote:
>> Hi Erich,
>> Apologize for the late progress.
>> Right now is a long holiday season in Indonesia. And I just got
>> hospitalized last week, made the progress delayed.
>> Previously, I've setup staging site at
>> But the theme is still work in progress.
>> What have been done:
>> -Build Base theme based on (popular WP skeleton
>> theme) and integrate with some part of Bootstrap 4
>> -Mobile offcanvas menu. Its already working but not polished yet
>> -Homepage: Slicing (Figma to HTML)
>> -Homepage: Setup editable content area as WP customizer
>> -Homepage: Experimenting with hero banner illustration+animation (using
>> SVG), but currently turned off due to some issue i have to fix
>> I'm expecting next week my designer and I can continue developing it, I
>> will come back to you next week.
>> I hope that's okay with you.
>> In case you have expected completion date, please just let us know.
>> Regards,
>> Shinta
>> On Jun 11, 2019 8:40 AM, Erich Eickmeyer <> wrote:
>>     Hi Shinta,
>>     On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 11:18 PM, Shinta Carolinasari
>>     <> wrote:
>>         Hi all, I am in the middle of website development right now. I
>>         would say, the home page is almost finished and the next stage
>>         will be improving the layout. Once it ready to be shown, I will
>>         give you an update. Meanwhile, I am sorry for the late response
>>         for some of you who gave me feedback.
>>             I might suggest some tweaks to make content not be halfway
>>             visible when page is loaded, and maybe verification of the
>>             order of things on first page
>>         About the banner design, as per your feedback, I will adjust the
>>         content is not halfway visible when the page is loaded. About
>>         the order on the homepage, you have mentioned before, would you
>>         give me more details? Please let me know if you have other
>>         feedback..
>>             I have used wordpress child themes so that changes to the
>>             theme code are isolate in a small file and updates work
>>             properly without having to update updates to the base theme.
>>         We will build a fresh base theme, based on underscores
>>         ( And try to make editable region easier
>>         & quick to edit through standard Wordpress (eg: customizer and
>>         widget). As you've mentioned, a child theme is fine for future
>>         major modifications, but since we have restriction to access
>>         theme files, I don't think it can be done often.
>>             Or use something like the free versions of Elementor and
>>             Astra and not deal with themes at all.
>>         Elementor is awesome site builder. However as discussed before,
>>         since we have limited utilization of plugin, it's better to do
>>         it in a conservative way (standard Wordpress). Luckily Gutenberg
>>         will be helpful here, to have block editing experience even
>>         though not as powerful as Elementor.
>>             if you need photos of a mixing console, small, not original
>>             British, keyboards from small Bluetooth to a real synth, ...
>>         Thanks :), I really appreciate it. Wondering if you have photo
>>         similar to ? So we can
>>         replace it. Thanks again & please let me know if you have
>>         further feedback. Regards, Shinta On 4/17/2019 1:24 PM, Ralf
>>         Mardorf wrote:
>>             Hi, if you need photos of a mixing console, small, not
>>             original British, keyboards from small Bluetooth to a real
>>             synth, guitars from classic to electric, assimilated by the
>>             hex pickup Borg, airbrush from a more or less unknown brand
>>             to DeVilbiss cult, pencils, 35mm film, an analog reflex
>>             camera, Letraset/Mecanorma screen tones and letters,
>>             speakers, 19" gear, analog stomp boxes etc. pp., I've got a
>>             new tablet PC that makes way better digital photos, than my
>>             old tablet PC could make. On request I could take one or the
>>             other photo and take care that no brand name is visible.
>>             I've got a lot of this equipment at hand, so without leaving
>>             home or even without searching in boxes stored in a cellar
>>             room, I could take one or the other photo, without much time
>>             investment and provide it under what wanted license ever. I
>>             don't want to take a photo spread, I'm just willing to take
>>             one or the other photo on demand. Regards, Ralf
>>     I wanted to see what the status is on this theme. I have, with the
>>     help of Canonical IS, found the location from which the current
>>     theme is being mirrored:
>>     I'm not sure if it's important, but the Wordpress instances hosted
>>     by Canonical are Juju charms:
>>     Right now, I think getting a working staging area would be a good
>>     idea. Once that's done, we would need a location from which to
>>     download the theme, which would then get uploaded to the link above.
>>     Let me know if there's anything you need from me.
>>     Erich
>>     ----
>>     Erich Eickmeyer
>>     Project Leader
>>     Ubuntu Studio
>> Hi Erich,
>> Apologize for the late progress.
>> Right now is a long holiday season in Indonesia. And I just got
>> hospitalized last week, made the progress delayed.
>> Previously, I've setup staging site at
>> But the theme is still work in progress.
>> What have been done:
>> -Build Base theme based on (popular WP
>> skeleton theme) and integrate with some part of Bootstrap 4
>> -Mobile offcanvas menu. Its already working but not polished yet
>> -Homepage: Slicing (Figma to HTML)
>> -Homepage: Setup editable content area as WP customizer
>> -Homepage: Experimenting with hero banner illustration+animation
>> (using SVG), but currently turned off due to some issue i have to fix
>> I'm expecting next week my designer and I can continue developing it,
>> I will come back to you next week.
>> I hope that's okay with you.
>> In case you have expected completion date, please just let us know.
>> Regards,
>> Shinta

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