On Mon, 8 Jul 2019, Mike Squires wrote:

My desktop is a Supermicro X7DAE dual quad core Xeon (2Ghz), with a 1TB RAID 1 boot device and a single 4 TB archive device running off a 3ware 9750 PCI-E card.  A second RAID 5 array running off an older 3ware 9550 PCI-X card is currently off line (drives pulled).  Video is a ATI/AMD 5500 PCI-E card.


Ubuntu Studio (using "Studio) afterwards) 16 ran fine; v 18 was extremely slow once installed, taking many minutes to complete simple tasks.  I ran 19.04 but although faster than 18 it was still much slower than 16.

I have since switched to XUBUNTU 19 on the same hardware, speed is OK.

I do not know the Xeons well. I do know that much of the RT patches that have been added to main line kernel were developed on the Xeon as well as i3-7 processors. And the lowlatency kernel is only slightly different from generic. Still, I would at least try running the generic kernel. Note that the way GRUB works in Studio is the latest lowlatency kernel is listed first followed by the latest kernel (which may be the same lowlatency kernel above it) the only way to ensure the generic kernel is selected is to use the third option which gives a sub menu of all the kernels to choose from. This is a packaging oddity but does insure the lowlatency kernel is default.

The other package I would look at is rtirq which may be raising the priority of your mouse and keyboard above your storage system. The settings in rtirq should always be set for the system the package is used with the default tries to be reasonable but I certainly have to change things for no xruns at low latency even with PCI audio cards. With USB audio I need to specify that the physical port the audio device uses has higher priority than any other USB ports. So try disabling /etc/init.d/rtirq by:
sudo mv /etc/rc5.d/S01rtirq /etc/rc5.d/K01rtirq

Should this prove to be the problem, it should be possible use the same tool to raise the priority of the storage bits to just below the audio device. There is work to replace or suplement rtirq with a more dynamic setup.

Our default-settings has been split up in the last cycle so that performance type settings have there own package... I don't know what the package is called but perhaps not using that will also help.

The first packages added tend to be installer and controls. Installer only runs when the user runs it. Controls does have a daemon (autojack) that runs from session start to end, but it doesn't ever show in top and normally sits in a wait state until some DBUS event tells it to do something. Jackdbus does use some cpu if it is running and certainly more with lowlatency setting, with latency set to 1024 I see .3%cpu for jack which means about .6% for pulse if it is bridged.

I certainly will be interested in your findings.

Len Ovens
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