I hope I didn't hurt people's feelings by sounding as if I couldn't be 
bothered to condescend to come to your Bug Jam. The fact is, although I 
am a bit reluctant to mention it, that I am semi-disabled. I mean, I can 
walk around like other people, but it hurts. I have sciatica.

Anyway, the offer stands. But it won't be a complete piece of cake, 
because I really want anyone who agrees and is able to do this to not 
just recompile the driver and install the DKMS, but also to show me how 
to use the DKMS in case of future update conflicts, and give the thing a 
general once-over to ensure there are no other non-default ubuntu 
software modules lurking in there. I have asked the suppliers for this 
information, too, so I may be able to cross-check this.


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