Thanks but I shall wait until someone is able to reinstall the driver, 
install DKMS, and give the thing a general once-over, as discussed earlier.
Please understand that although I appreciate the 'open source 
philosophy' I do NOT regard myself as competent to fix this.

Matthew Daubney wrote:
> Hiya Rowan,
> You may have already tried this, and if so feel free to ignore this
> email.
> I don't suppose you have an Ubuntu LiveCD about? These can be downloaded
> from the Ubuntu website if you don't and burnt to a CD-R.
> <additional information you may want to skip, I'm uncertain as to your
> familiarity with Linux and Ubuntu to so please feel free to jump
> anything you already know>
> The LiveCD gives you an Ubuntu environment running of the CD with all of
> Ubuntu's default settings. Unless you click the install and go through
> the installer, it should make no changes to your current computer
> configuration.
> <end additional information>
> If you can boot your computer from one of these, and the network works,
> then all we have to identify is which network card you have and which
> modules you need to install. If so this is a very easy task if you can
> get the results from a couple of commands to us. The best one to send to
> the list is the result from running lspci* in a terminal and the bit
> that says something like "Ethernet Controller". Mine looks like
> "00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
> (rev 11)"
> Hope this helps somewhat.
> -Matt Daubney
> * You might be used to working in a terminal already, but just in case,
> open a terminal (applications -> accessories -> Terminal) and type:
> lspci
> then enter. This will tell us everything that is connected to a PCI type
> adapter in your laptop.
> On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 19:53 +0000, Rowan wrote:
>> LinuxCertified have informed me that "r8168 is the only driver we chose 
>> to use instead of default driver in Ubuntu", so hopefully things will be 
>> simpler than I feared.


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