Unfortunately, Intel is rather addicted to selling cheap, crippled CPUs which have been hobbled to fit a low price point by disabling most of their onboard cache memory. This dramatically reduces performance. It's a false economy - they cost as much to make as upmarket chips, as they are the same silicon with some features present but disabled. It's part of a stepped marketing model where sales of lots of cheap crippled products sold for a tiny profit are balanced by very overpriced premium products at vastly inflated prices and very high profit margins. It's a filthy tactic which is unfair to consumers, but Intel is damned near a monopoly and what can you do? It started with the 486SX, which was a 486DX with the floating-point unit turned off. It's made them billions. For years, I used AMD or Cyrix kit from preference but they are no longer really competitive except at the very cheap end - the low-end AMD chips are not crippled, as Celerons and "Pentium Dual Core" ones are. Seriously, your best bet might be to overclock the chip. These cheap crippled chips often overclock very well. Or, teach yourself some basic maintenance skills, buy an uncrippled chip & swap the CPU over. Google to see if this is possible. As for lighter-weight distros, I am not sure they will help much - you have lots of RAM and possibly a competent GPU too - but you could try Lubuntu. I'm not a fan of the Ubuntu spin offs to be honest. I have no idea how I'd go about overclocking a modern machine however I'm an IT technician myself so replacing the CPU is an idea I could consider later down the line. I know for a fact several versions of the machine exist some sporting i3 or better processors so I would hope it's removable.



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