Try chromium browser to see if that is better.  FF can be processor
hungry.  Choosing the right apps may be more important than the
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser


As much as I appreciate what you're saying don't you think something is very wrong here? On my antique Dell I would routinely have Vuze open downloading, firefox running up to 6 or 7 tabs, VLC playing music or video, Thunderbird and Calc with up to 2 spreadsheets, one of them has 2 sheets each with 3600 lines of data in them. That machine coped fine, if it wasn't for the lack of battery and dodgy power socket I'd much rather be using that.

Any brand new machine, however badly designed, should be capable of outperforming something which came with 60Gb HDD and no more than 1Gb RAM.

What difference, if any, do you think using 64 bit would make?


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