UN Integrated Regional Information Networks

January 8, 2003
Posted to the web January 8, 2003


A new wave of at least 8,500 Congolese refugees has arrived in
Burundi following renewed fighting in South Kivu Province in the east
of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the UNHCR reported on

The latest conflict erupted on 26 December between the Mayi-Mayi
traditional militia and the Rassemblement congolais pour la
democratie-Goma (RCD-Goma) in rural areas of South Kivu. By 31
December, the fighting had engulfed the strategic town of Uvira on
the shores of Lake Tanganyika, sending thousands of refugees across
the border, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) reported.

It added that since 26 December, UNHCR in Burundi had registered
7,386 refugees at a transit site in Rugombo in Cibitoke Province, and
1,200 at another site in Gatumba, Bujumbura Rural. Wartorn Burundi
already shelters at least 12,000 Congolese refugees who had fled an
outbreak of hostilities between the two rebel groups in October 2002,
UNHCR said.

The latest fighting in South Kivu comes nearly three weeks after the
signing of a power-sharing deal between the Kinshasa government, the
main rebel groups and the DRC's political opposition to end the four-
year war and pave the way for elections in two years.

"There are growing concerns that RCD-Goma, which controls much of the
Kivu region and various border crossings in South Kivu, is preventing
people from leaving the strife-torn area to neighbouring Burundi,"
UNHCR reported.

It added that Congolese refugees who had crossed the border had
reported that the rebels were allowing only possessors of travel
documents to leave South Kivu. Most of those fleeing to Burundi, the
agency said, did not have such documents. They were therefore
being "forced to cross the Rusizi river - which separates eastern DRC
from Burundi - before dawn, when the checkpoints are unmanned".

Many refugees, it said, started crossing the river border at about 4
a.m., then sneaked through the bush along the shores of Lake
Tanganyika and arrived in safer areas of Burundi by early morning,
exhausted from the three-hour journey.

UNHCR said the waters of the river were rising steadily due to
rains, "raising concerns for the safety of those trying to cross". It
said that Burundian military personnel had been registering the new
arrivals. They then escorted the refugees through the Rusizi National
Park to the temporary site at Gatumba. UNHCR said recent arrivals
included some 40 fishermen who had fled with their fishing boats and
equipment. "They have asked to be allowed to remain among local
fishermen along the shores of the lake," it added.

Meanwhile, UNHCR said it had been compelled to transfer Congolese
refugees displaced by October's conflicts from border sites in
Rugombo and Gatumba to safer inland camps in Cishemeye in Cibitoke
Province, and Gasorwe in Muyinga Province. So far, the agency
reported, it had moved 3,013 refugees to Cishemeye and 2,373 to
Gasorwe. At least 6,500 others remained at the two temporary sites,
awaiting relocation to the camps.

"The latest influx of refugees from South Kivu will delay the
expected closure of the border sites," UNHCR said.

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