Concerns Growing Over Kenyan Muslims

Filed at 3:09 p.m. ET

MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) -- Six weeks after terrorists attacked an Israeli
hotel and airliner, the investigation is finding a level of Kenyan
involvement far deeper than originally suspected, that some suspects were
homegrown militants -- born, raised and radicalized in Kenya.

Investigators still believe the attacks were orchestrated from abroad,
most likely by al-Qaida. But Kenya's government and Western officials are
increasingly alarmed that a community once characterized by its tolerance
is becoming an incubator for radical militants.

So far, many details about the alleged assailants, who bombed a beachfront
hotel popular with Israelis and fired shoulder-held missiles at the
airliner, have been kept under wraps. Only one suspect has been named --
Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a Mombasa native.

Unlike al-Qaida's 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania, in which no Kenyans played a major role and in which 219 were
killed, at least three Kenyans are believed to have taken part in the Nov.
28 attacks.

Four months before the bombing, investigators say, Nabhan and two other
suspects, also Kenyan, moved into a spacious house in a Mombasa back
street, put up thatch screens to hide the yard and curtained the windows.

Investigators believe the house, only a mile from the home of Nabhan's
parents, is where the car bomb was built.

Evidence of bomb-making was found in the house, where the men lived with
their wives, said Deputy Police Commissioner William Langat, the lead
Kenyan investigator. He and other investigators refused to provide

Islamic radicalism has been spreading on Kenya's Indian Ocean coast for
the last decade. But the apparent willingness of some Kenyan Muslims to
work with foreign terrorists makes the longtime U.S. ally an increasing
security risk, said a Western official, speaking on condition of

Israeli officials said the suspected Kenyan involvement underscored
al-Qaida's efforts to expand its presence in Africa by exploiting
sympathetic local populations.

``Al-Qaida is networked all over the world and is trying to recruit cells
that will have a link, even a weak one, with them,'' said Yonatan Peled,
an Israeli Foreign Ministry official. ``In the case of Kenya it's not just
our concern, but the local government's .... These elements are hostile to
local governments too.''

Another Israeli government official, also speaking on condition of
anonymity, said Israel had general warnings about Kenya's Muslim minority
even before the attacks.

Following the destruction of its base in Afghanistan, al-Qaida decided to
shift to a decentralized and less vulnerable structure, with a significant
presence of initially dormant cells in many countries, the official said.

Ideally, it targets countries with lax security, pockets of sympathizers
willing to provide cover, and diplomats or representatives of other
nations willing to provide such help as fake passports.

Some target countries may have governments that are friendly to Israel, as
is Kenya's, but lack the means to prevent al-Qaida infiltration, the
official said.

An Israeli security source, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said
it was possible Muslims linked to al-Qaida did not always know they were
working for bin Laden. Al-Qaida activists have been known to pose as
representing other groups, he said.

``The bottom line,'' Peled said, ``is that terror has many arms and many
branches and many assistants.''

In a recent travel advisory, the U.S. State Department warned of a
continuing risk of ``attacks on civilian targets ... especially in the
coastal region'' of Kenya.

A more specific State Department alert said there is a ``threat to
aircraft by terrorists using shoulder-fired missiles ... in Kenya,
including Nairobi,'' the inland capital.

Arab merchants and slave traders brought Islam to the coast over 1,000
years ago, establishing ports such as Mombasa where African, Arab and
Indian cultures mingled to create the Swahili civilization. The coast was
part of the sultanate of Oman until 1963, when it was joined to Kenya,
which had won independence from Britain.

Today, Kenya's Muslim population, estimated at 5 percent to 15 percent of
the country's 30 million inhabitants, has long been known for its
tolerance and cosmopolitan character.

But now the same factors spreading radical Islam in other parts of the
world -- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Internet, a looming U.S.
war with Iraq -- are at work in Kenya.

Radical imams, their work financed by Gulf state money, are exacerbating
tensions, the Western official said.

Khelef Khalifa, director of Muslims for Human Rights in Mombasa, said
radicalism intensified after the embassy bombings, when Kenyan police
working with the FBI conducted widespread raids in Muslim communities.

He was not surprised suspects in the latest attacks are Kenyan.

``People are angry here,'' Khalifa said. ``Kenya today is not the same
Kenya that existed in 1998.''

Muslim anger stems in part from a sense they were neglected and at times
discriminated against during the 24-year rule of former President Daniel
arap Moi, whose government was dominated by Kenyans from the country's
inland tribes, Khalifa said.

Last month's election of Mwai Kibaki, the main opposition presidential
candidate, may help ease tensions. Kibaki has appointed Najib Balala, a
prominent Mombasa politician, as culture minister and ``we're hoping the
new government will be more sensitive to our needs,'' Khalifa said.

Kenyan of Yemeni descent, Nabhan's family, like thousands of other
Yemenis, has lived in East Africa for generations, said one of his
sisters, a dentist who refused to give her name.

She wouldn't say much else about him, except that he was ``educated,''
``quiet'' and grew up in a well-off Mombasa neighborhood. She insisted he
was not involved in the attacks.

Kenyan, Israeli and American investigators believe Nabhan bought the
Mitsubishi Pajero that was packed with explosives and rammed into the
lobby of the Paradise Hotel, about 12 miles north of Mombasa.

Eleven Kenyans, three Israelis and at least two bombers died. Nabhan, who
was not believed to be among the dead, was reportedly seen in a small town
near the Somali border in the days after the attack.

The two missiles missed an Israeli charter jet carrying tourists home to
Tel Aviv.

Investigators are looking for two other men who were seen either around
the hotel or the site near Mombasa airport where the missiles were fired.

Langat said there is evidence the two men may also be Kenyan, but refused
to elaborate.

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