Editorial The first tangible signs of peace emerged this month with the
signing of a ceasefire with the CNDD-FDD. Optimism is however, frequently
tempered by ongoing operations and clashes. The humanitarian and donor
community have rallied to meet Burundi's unique challenges during this
transition. The request to provide food aid to the rebels has provoked a
constructive debate within the humanitarian community, itself exploring the
limits of its own capacity within the framework of each organisation's
humanitarian mandate. The response from the EC and GTZ (IS) has provided an
alternative in what is an evolving and challenging political environment.

Ceasefire signed - deadline passes

At the 19th Summit of the Regional Peace Initiative held 1-2 December in
Arusha (Tanzania) the NTG and CNDD-FDD signed a ceasefire in the early
hours of Tuesday morning   (3 December 2002).

On Monday 30 December the Burundi Foreign Minister, Terence Sinunguruza,
issued a statement that announced the delay in the implementation of the
ceasefire brokered on the 3rd. The Minister said implementation was
contingent upon the arrival of an African Mission to monitor the
application of the ceasefire accord and set up cantonment camps, and the
establishment of a joint ceasefire commission. There are also remaining
"military and political questions" that need to be discussed. "The
Government is ready to start the debate at any stage," Sinunguruza said. He
added that: "there was no doubt" that the African Mission would arrive in
the early days of January 2003.

Amnesty International drive to end child abuse

Amnesty International (AI) this month launched a drive to end what it says
are "serious human rights violations" in the treatment of detained children
in Burundi. Highlighting the plight of eight detained children, the
campaign urges people to write letters calling on the President and
ministers of justice, defence, interior, and human rights to take "robust
steps" to end torture and ill-treatment in detention centres.

As outlined in their December report: "Poverty, Isolation and
Ill-Treatment: Juvenile Justice in Burundi", AI asserts that children are
arrested arbitrarily and detained illegally, for prolonged periods, given
unfair trials and handed down disproportionate sentences.

Recruitment of child soldiers continues in Burundi, says UN Report

At UN Headquarters in New York, Olara Otunnu, the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, launched a report
(S/2002/1299) on Tuesday 17 December, in which the Secretary-General
provides for the Security Council's review of a list of parties in conflict
situations who continue to recruit and use child soldiers. FNL-Palipehutu,
CNDD-FDD and the NTG of Burundi are among the twenty-three named groups
using child soldiers. "We urge the Security Council to actively monitor the
countries named on the Secretary-General's list, and to demand progress or
suffer sanctions", commented Jo Becker of the Human Rights Watch (USA).

EU Grants package to Burundi rebels

The European Commission announced in Brussels on Tuesday 24 December that
it would finance food aid for armed groups awaiting demobilisation: "To
contribute to the stabilisation of a fragile peace process in Burundi the
European Commission has decided today to release food aid worth 500.000 EUR
(covering the needs of 14 000 combatants for one month) as an exceptional
measure to alleviate the conditions of members of the CNDD-FDD movement, an
armed group to be demobilised shortly."

Mr Poul Nielson, Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Assistance
said, "It is now important to fill the gap so as to avoid that arms of few
thousand hungry men do not lead to violence and retribution, which risk
jeopardising the peace process...." The statement continues: The aid will
be channelled through the World Food Programme (WFP) and will be
distributed by the German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ IS) which has
the necessary logistics..."

CNDD-FDD assistance delivered

The first food distribution to 14,000 CNDD-FDD rebels (Pierre Nkurunziza)
was conducted on Sunday 29 December by GTZ IS (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH -- International Service) at Kayange site,
Musigati Commune (Bubanza Province). A coordination meeting was held
December 31 at Musigati to look at the appropriate ways to deliver the
food. Attending the meeting: were representatives of the GoB, CNDD-FDD
(Pierre Nkurunziza), US Embassy, EU, AU and GTZ IS. It was decided that
food would be delivered three times a week. Another food delivery was
expected on Tuesday 31 December at Karindo site in Nyabitsinda Commune
(Ruyigi Province) but could not be conducted due to "military occupation",
said CNDD-FDD Spokesperson, Mr Gélase Ndabirabe.

According to Captain Adolphe Manirakiza, Deputy Army Spokesperson, "The
military occupied the site before the Musigati coordination meeting (31
December) deemed it a food distribution point". "The military are ready to
move from the place provided there is a military patrol in the area", added
Captain Adolphe Manirakiza.

UN Troop deployment

In an interview conducted by IRIN on Tuesday 10 December in the Capital,
Bujumbura, the Representative of the African Union (AU) in Burundi,
Ambassador Mamadou Bah, all but ruled out a multinational UN force in the
near future: "Within the current phase, I don't think the UN would back the
deployment of the force with its mandate".


As at 31st December UNHCR reported 31,421 facilitated returnees and 21,432
spontaneous returnees. The total number of returnees for 2002 is: 52,853.

Four hundred and fourteen (414) Rwandan refugees were voluntarily
repatriated back to Rwanda on 11 December. UNHCR assisted with logistics.


HIV/AIDS Day was marked in Gitega Province on Sunday 8 December. As many as
8.3% of the population in Burundi is estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS.
A workshop on municipal action against AIDS was also held in Bujumbura.

UNICEF support for child registration

Birth registration has not been possible for many families who are required
to have their children registered within two-weeks after birth or suffer a
fine. Because of the cost and impracticality for families, UNICEF has
offered to assist the Ministry of Interior with the registration costs for
50,000 children. Already in Gitega Commune, comprising 8,000 unregistered
children, 2,500 have been registered since October.


UN Security Council supports ceasefire

In a statement read on Wednesday 18 December by the Security Council (SC)
President Alfonso Valdivieso (Colombia) the SC expressed its intention to
support the immediate and full implementation of the Burundi Ceasefire
Agreement of 3 December 2002. It requested the Secretary-General to study
ways of responding positively and urgently to the request for the
deployment of the African Mission provided for in that accord. The SC
recalled that responsibility for the Burundi peace process lay primarily
with the Burundian people.

DRC claim refuted

The Burundi Ministry of Defence issued a statement (23 December) denying
categorically the presence of soldiers, or Burundi military hardware in the
DRC. The Defence Spokesperson, Col. Augustin Nzabampema, invited MONUC (UN
Observation Mission for DRC) to investigate the allegations made by

21st Political party

SONOVI-Remesha (Non-Violent Society Party) was formed on December 30 2002
by Mr Déo Ndayishimiye.

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