NEW YORK (March 1) - Former President Bill Clinton has been tapped for jury

A questionnaire designed to help defense lawyers and prosecutors select a
jury for a federal attempted murder case indicated that Prospective Juror No.
142 was actually William Jefferson Clinton.

Although Clinton's name was never revealed at a hearing in federal court in
Manhattan on Friday, his answers, read aloud in the courtroom, provided the

Under previous jobs held, the respondent answered President of the United
States. He also wrote that he thought he could be fair and impartial, despite
his ``unusual experience with the O.I.C.,'' or Office of Independent Counsel.

David E. Kendall, Clinton's lawyer, said that Clinton is ready and willing to
serve. ``The former president is subject to jury duty, he's done his part,
and if selected he would serve,'' Kendall told The New York Times in Saturday

Federal prosecutors and the attorney for the defendant, Dushon Foster,
disagreed about whether Prospective Juror No. 142 should be selected for the
case. Foster is charged with attempted murder in an alleged gang shooting and
could face life in prison, if convicted.

``Any particular question in Questionnaire 142 that you want to direct me
to?'' Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald asked the prosecutors, the Times reported.

``All of them, judge,'' a prosecutor, Daniel M. Gitner, said.

``I suspect there has never been anyone who answered yes to so many questions
and survived the voir dire process,'' said Buchwald, referring to the next
step in the jury selection process - a personal interview that prospective
jurors who were not removed by the judge would undergo.

Defense lawyer Roger L. Stavis, disagreed with the prosecution and said that
No. 142 should not be immediately disqualified.

But Buchwald, who was appointed by Clinton in 1999, appeared to agree with
the prosecutors, citing concerns about sensationalism.

``To have Juror 142 here, with Secret Service protection is to, it seems to
me, undermine our efforts to keep the case focused quietly on the evidence,''
the Times cited Buchwald as saying.

Buchwald said if she changed her mind, she would let the prosecutors and
defense attorney know by Monday.
03/01/03 09:32 EST

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