Personally, I don't like very much the new policy of adding the label
"[unicode]" in front of message subjects, for two reasons:

1) It is the same prefix used by the list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, to
which I subscribed for receiving daily digests of the Unicode List's
message. What I do is to periodically delete all messages from the Unicode
List, and keep only YahooGroup's digests archived. Of course I distinguish
the messages from the two mailing list by the prefix.

2) The label is added before the "RE: " label for replays. So when I replay
to a reply I get "RE: [unicode] RE: my subject" and I have to manually
remove "Re: [unicode] ". I guess that, if I don't do it, my reply will
arrive to other people like "[unicode] RE: [unicode] RE: my subject", and
when they reply to me it would become "RE: [unicode] RE: [unicode] RE: my
subject" etc.

_ Marco

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