On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Unicode subscribers:
> This week Parvati and I will be moving the Unicode
> mail list to a new server with new mail software.
> I hope the move goes smoothly, but as you know
> the best laid plans of mice and machines cough and
> sputter in the wabe and so forth.  Please do not
> be alarmed if you see temporary glitches.  All
> current subscribers will be moved forward with
> default options.

I see that the list software now appends [unicode] to all subject
lines.  This is very annoying, and not very useful, since those who
wish to filter their mail and put posts from this list in a folder of
its own etc. etc. can now do so by using other headers, such as
"X-list: unicode" .

Gaute Strokkenes                        http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~gs234/
I feel like I'm in a Toilet Bowl with a thumbtack in my forehead!!

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