Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo at metalab dot unc dot edu> wrote:

>> You can get Unicode-format mapping tables for TIS 620 and many other
>> encodings at http://crl.nmsu.edu/~mleisher/csets.html
> Thanks. Looking at that, it appears the mapping is imperfect. There
> are about 10 characters in TIS-620 that are mapped to the Unicode
> replacement character. This is from 1998 though. Has Unicode's Thai
> support improved any in later versions?

These 9 code positions (0xA0, 0xDB..0xDE, 0xFC..0xFF) appear to be
undefined in TIS 620.2533.  Reference [3] below does show a "word
separator character" at 0xDC, which I interpret as U+200B ZERO WIDTH
SPACE, but the other positions are still undefined.  So this may not be
a case of Unicode having to play catch-up with the Thai standard.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

[1] http://www.langbox.com/codeset/tis620.html
[2] http://www.nectec.or.th/it-standards/std620/std620.htm

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