Le 12/12/13 23:06, Michael Everson a écrit :
On 12 Dec 2013, at 15:29, Leo Broukhis <l...@mailcom.com> wrote:

Hasn't http://www.unicode.org/standard/where/#Variant_Shapes explained it once and for all?
No, because users of N-shaped capital Eng consider n-shaped capital Eng to be *WRONG*, not an acceptable variant. And because n-shaped capital Eng consider N-shaped capital Eng to be *WRONG*, not an acceptable variant.

Is that as wrong as if "ændern" was used instead of "ändern" in German or "Lätitia" instead of the surname "Lætitia" in French, based on the fact that "Händel" is also spelled "Hændel"?

BTW, why are there two separate characters for "ð" and "?"?

Disunification is the best solution.

I suppose nothing will happen until the governments of eng-using countries come together with a proposal.

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

I wonder whether disunification is THE solution.

For some characters there's already a standardized use of VSs:

= pound sign, hash, crosshatch, octothorpe
x (l b bar symbol - 2114)
x (music sharp sign - 266F)
~ 0023 FE0E text style
~ 0023 FE0F emoji style

Would it be inconceivable to add comments such as:

* glyph may also have appearance of large form of the small letter
~ 014A FE0E N form
~ 014A FE0F n form

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