Well, inconceivable? No. Inadvisable? yes.

First of all, such “comments” are not actually “comments”—they are the result 
of a fairly cumbersome and drawn-out process of adding *normative* standardized 
variation sequences to the standard.

Second – although this is a nit – FE0E and FE0F would not be used for 
standardized variation sequences of this type, because of their special 
pre-emption for the emoji variants. But FE00, FE01, etc., are, of course 

More importantly, I consider it a *very* bad precedent to attempt to start down 
the road of mixing standardized variants with case pairing. That is almost 
guaranteed to create permanent implementation problems that would surely be 
worse than the perceived problem it would be attempting to solve. Case mapping 
could fail under circumstances mysterious to end users. Likewise, string 
matches would fail under mysterious circumstances, where implementations doing 
multi-level weighting and/or simply stripping variation selectors would match, 
but the same strings doing binary compares would fail, where they might not 
have before.

Do such problems afflict the existing standardized variation sequences? Well, 
yes, to a certain extent. But to date they have not been simultaneously pulled 
into the maelstrom of case mapping and case folding. Mixing the two is just a 
recipe for a big mess, IMO.


Would it be inconceivable to add comments such as:

* glyph may also have appearance of large form of the small letter
~ 014A FE0E N form
~ 014A FE0F n form

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