Margie Politzer wrote:

    Yes, Paul is right. I looked into the issue after the trees were
    removed as I was also initially outraged. Many of the paulownia
    trees were rotten on the inside presenting quite a hazard. BTW,
    this issue was discussed on this listserv last year after the
    trees were removed.

Earlier today I was told about another issue regarding the trees removed in Clark Park. As we've discussed, most of the trees removed were visibly dead or dying. But one tree, a tulip poplar in the NE corner of the Bowl, seemed to most people to be living and otherwise healthy, aside from the massive cavity at its base. Even we at the FoCP were surprised that this tree was taken out.

But the Fairmount Park arborists felt it was a safety hazard, and here's the additional data that I wasn't aware of. If any of those trees chose the wrong moment to fall over-- say, during a Festival, the Orchestra's performance, or the upcoming performances of _Romeo and Juliet_-- the FPC would be held responsible. They really are _required_ to remove trees that they consider a safety hazard. (Their resources are limited, so they can't always jump into action.)
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