Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.

On 9/30/07 7:46 PM, "KAREN ALLEN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "If we don't know if Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is
> renting it and giving it to the police for free, or if the police are paying
> their own rent - then we don't know what the "connection" is between UCD and
> the police station, although you've stated that there isn't one".
> Whether Penn, UCD or some combination charges the City no rent, market rent,
> subsidized rent, or whatever,  that doesn't give UCD the right to assert
> authority, whether actual or symbolic, over the personnel and functions of the
> Philadelphia Police Department.  One is a non-profit organization, the other
> is a branch of municipal government.  To take this chain of logic to its
> conclusion is to state or suggest state that the independence of a branch of
> municipal government can be redirected to a private entity merely by providing
> free or subsidized rent.
> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:34:10 -0400
> Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
> To:
> merel
> In a message dated 9/30/07 4:55:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the
> useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides
> space to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.
> So it appears that you have nothing to substantiate your claim that...
> In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> ...So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
> ..."that tenuous connection" in your earlier email being who "provides" the
> space, when the provider, in the way you were using the word, would actually
> be the entity absorbing the cost for the space, right?  If we don't know if
> Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is renting it and giving it
> to the police for free, or if the police are paying their own rent - then we
> don't know what the "connection" is between UCD and the police station,
> although you've stated that there isn't one.
> You were attempting to lead your readers to a conclusion without actually
> having the facts necessary to reach the conclusion.  And as usual, you were
> happy to resort to ad hominem attacks to change the subject when I asked
> questions.  Whenever you present distorted statements or unsupported
> conclusions as fact on this list, it is likely that I'll question them.
> A careful reader,
> Melani Lamond
> Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
> Urban & Bye, Realtor
> 3529 Lancaster Ave.
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> cell phone 215-356-7266
> office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
> office fax 215-222-1101
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