In a message dated 9/30/2007 12:05:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

The market owner provided the space in a small office next to where the 
Satillite Coffee Shop is now.

Anyway, UCD doesn'tt own the buildings at 3940-42 Chestnut Street. The 
"Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania" own them. Penn provides space at 
to UCD for office (and bagel distribution) use, and at 3942 Chestnut to the 
City of Philadelphia for police ministation use.
So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
Rationalization and untenable assumptions by those who want UCD to look like 
heroes, hoping to rid the neighborhood of slumlords and others of the 
benighted unwashed masses, aside, this is more over-reaching on the parts of 
Lewis' minions to insinuate a private layer of government between the people 
and the legitimate authority conferred by:
    1.  The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter 
    2.  The Pennsylvania Constitution 
    3.  The United States Constitution.
They're not going to get away with it. In large part because they're not 
smart enough to do so. And this business with a Philadelphia Police Lieutenant 
being made to look like a UCD flunkie just so they can advance their agenda, is 
an example of how bumbling they really are.
Always at your service and ready for a diatribe -- er, dialog.
Al Krigman

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