???? I must have missed something before in this discussion.? So Penn owns the 
UCD office space and it also owns the separate PPD space.?? And Penn may or may 
not be charging rent to UCD and PPD?? And UCD may or may not be paying the rent 
for the PPD space to Penn?? No, wait, you're saying UCD does not pay the rent 
for PPD's space right, and also that, if the ministation is in space Penn gave 
to UCD to use without charge, UCD still isn't providing PPD space?
????? But the most confusing thing is, if they have two separate spaces, why is 
the Lt. using the UCD business card with the UCD number anyway?? Is his office 
inside UCD's, and the other police personnel are next door at the ministation?
????? And please, I understand all of this is a different issue from what 
business card he uses.? On the other hand, makes me wonder if other police 
detailed to this location - the ministation - also have UCD cards instead of 
City cards?




-----Original Message-----
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Sent: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

In a message dated 9/30/2007 4:12:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MLamond writes:

So, what DO you say, Al?? Can yo expand on your earlier statement so there's no 
need to misinterpret it?? What did you mean when you wrote:

You're not that dense, Melani.


I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the 
useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides space 
to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.


If you're so fired up to find out whether either or both pay for the space or 
get it free or under some other arrangement, do your own research. All you have 
to do is call Wendell Lewis and ask him, if you're so darn interested in 
finding out (as opposed to nitpicking or stamping your adorable little foot 
while the steam comes out of those cute pixie-like ears).


Personally, I don't care one way or the other. It's not the least bit 
important. What's important is the fact that UCD does not provide the Police 
Dept with the space -- which?was the false assumption someone made that I was 



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Al Krigman

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