gharris999 wrote:
> I'm hardly hard core. I posses just enough Linux fu to be a danger to
> myself and others  But with a server, about the only thing that I still
> regularly use the GUI for is MySQL user config...and I imagine that that
> isn't too much of a command line challenge once you get the hang of it.

I agree, MySql admin setup is not a big deal from the shell. But setting
up IP tables is deep voodoo, and for that, I need a GUI.

At least, I do for all the ones that I've tried on Debian and Ubuntu

Its not clear how badly you need a firewall/IP table setup for an
internal server. One on the open net, that's another question completely.

Sounds like you just need a bit of self discipline to avoid playing with
the pretty colors on the GUI.

You can, if you want, use apt-get to install the GUI and X-windows
stuff, use it, and then have apt-get remove the temptation.

Pat Farrell

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