M-H wrote: 
> Greg the screens come in various sizes and resolutions , but the 5 inch
> screens seem to be 800x480.
> The touch functionality comes through unspecified GPIO connections, but
> I can see it is the 26 pin connector they use.
> And they admit the screen can be used as display only ( no touch ) by
> any host, but forget to mention how it would be powered then, probably
> the micro USB.
> Not sure if links to commercial sites are allowed , but searching for
> 'raspberry lcd hdmi' on ???express gives you a few on the first page.
> There is even a 3.5 inch version with audio out from HDMI but it poses
> me more questions on the actual connection to the pi as they mention SPI
> as alternative for HDMI. 
> I need to learn a bit more, 
> All this give me options to build something small without needing to
> code. I am happy with PCP as it is serving me well.

I have an instance of PCP/Jivelite with a 5-inch (I believe) screen
connected via HDMI.  Being at the same resolution as the rPi 7-inch
touch screen (800x480) means the skins (and in my case, a modified
version of CustomClock) all work (a big plus!).  Mine doesn't have touch
capability - I use LIRC instead.  I think the HDMI-based displays with
touch capability provide the touch input via USB, right?  Does it simply
act like a mouse?

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