would be stored in the config folder you define for the container.
Right, now that is were you lost me already. Trying to catch up with
this dockers set up in Synology.
First I have just launched it with out any changes (on host)
That did not work. I do see mounting options which I do not fully
understand how that works. A shared folder has been created called

A Docker container needs to know where to store the prefs, caches etc. In Synology you can define this path when you lanuch an image for the first time. There's an "Advanced Settings" buttons which allows you to define where to map "volumes". The container will expect /config to be writable. Thus you have to make sure that you map some writable path to /config. Define others for /music and /playlist - which obviously should point at your music collection.

But I can not find anywhere this server.log How to look in the

Once you've set this up you should find folders with logs and prefs in whatever path you mapped /config to.

Do I need to do anything with the docker run text as stated in

No, you can define this in Synology's Docker manager.


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