Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Sorry doggod, I meant [Main Page] > [Diagnostics] > [Logs] > "boot" 
> > 
  >   > Loading configuration file... Done.
  > Loading pcp-lms-functions... Done.
  > Waiting for soundcard USB to populate. Done (1).
  > Waiting for network. Done (1).
  > Sending WOL magic packet (B8:AE:ED:7E:82:9F)... Done.
  > Starting Openssh server... Done.
  > Starting Squeezelite and/or Shairport-sync...
> > 

Thanks Greg! :-)

Sadly I've to say that I kind of wasted your time maybe? But in another
way maybe not? I realise now that I wasn't 100% clear of what I tried to
recieve and how my setup was. Done some more testing and came up with
the "solution". 

"Solution" is there probably wasn't any "problem" ... my setup was that
I had LMS on the PCP Pi and my music on another machine/server and had
it mounted to PcP's LMS. And I was thinking/hoping that I could wake up
my server with the music on when I powered up PcP. Suddenly I came up
with the idea that "-maybe it's the LMS that is the problem-?!?" And it
sure was!

After shutting down LMS autostart function in PcP and tested the WoL
function now WoL was working! I also tested and confirmed that WoL was
sent when using WiFi.

So now my hope/question is if there somehow is a way to get this to work
the way I want? E.g. now that we know that PcP seemingly isn't sending
the WoL packet as long as one has PcP's LMS autostartfunction activated
can it be "rounded" somehow?

Not sure if I would call my "problem" a "bug" but maybe sort of? Sure it
first states in the GUI "LMS Wake-on-LAN"   but then > "Transmits a
Wake-On-LAN (WOL) "Magic Packet", used for restarting machines that have
been soft-powered-down." which to me isn't really clear that what now
has been shown that the WoL isn't sent if one have LMS running on the
PcP Pi.

I've no idea how much work it is with things so hope I won't offend you
but maybe it would be a better function if the "Pcp bootup WoL thing"
would send  a WoL regardless if LMS is running on Pcp or not?

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