
Good question. Here's a quick overview of where we're at from the client side:

* Fluid 0.1 had a bug in it that prevented nested Reorderers from working happily together. Michelle D'Souza managed to commit a fix for this before the holidays, so this problem should now be resolved.

* We need to minimize our JavaScript footprint by removing the rest of Dojo from the Reorderer. We've had much better luck with jQuery, and it's generally a bit smaller. Should make for lighter download times for the portal. This work is about half-finished.

* Anastasia has an in-progress branch with part of the functionality required for this Fluid portlet layout manager. It's available here: Anastasia's core change was to write a new layout handler that uses the layout JSON object sent down from the portal.

* We've got to make a couple of API changes to the layout handler to make this code a cleaner and simpler.

* Gary Thompson and Shaw-Han Liem are working on making this really easy to use. We've got a new design pattern that outlines some of the considerations, and they're working on new wireframes to ensure the interaction is simple and discoverable.

We've been a bit behind schedule on this work, but it is now our top priority for the new year.

Have a great holiday,


On 21-Dec-07, at 1:11 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
Anastasia, Jen,

Just wondering what the status of looking into using the Fluid reorderer for uPortal 3 is.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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