I haven't seen one and I think the usage scenarios outlined by Gary are exactly what we want for an out of the box implementation.

With this latest update what is the status of getting the reorderer into uPortal 3? I'm going to be doing a milestone release today or tomorrow and then a RC as soon as possible after that. Once we do the RC we should be feature complete so getting a timeline on the reorderer is pretty important for my release date planning.

Thank you,

Gary Thompson wrote:

Currently, portlets are locked and unlocked only by administrators. This keeps with main goal behind locking portlets, which is for institutions to ensure that certain content is prioritized in the layout.

I can't think of any scenarios where the general user would want to lock a portlet, and no scenarios of that type surfaced in my research.

Has anyone else come up with a scenario for the general user to lock a portlet?


Barbara Glover wrote:
Hi Gary
Does the user decide if a portlet is locked? Or is that the administrator? Or depends on the institution? Can a user unlock a portlet?


On 8-Jan-08, at 12:32 PM, Anastasia Cheetham wrote:

On 2-Jan-08, at 1:59 PM, Gary Thompson wrote:

So, my conclusion for the DnD reordering of portlets is to go with
our initial gut instinct:

* locked portlets always go to the top of column
* if there is more than one locked portlet, they are ordered by
priority (a system parameter set and changed by an administrator)
* reorderable portlets may not go above locked portlets within a
column (or between locked portlets if there are more than one)
Gary, thanks for doing that research, and producing this summary.

Just to clarify: Locked portlets will always be at the top of their
current column, but locked portlets can be present in any column? They
are not restricted to the leftmost column?

Assuming that locked portlets can exist in any column, can they be
moved between columns?

Anastasia Cheetham                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Designer, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto

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