The current work for mobile in Jasig Portlets uses the same tools & frameworks as the non-mobile interfaces: Spring Portlet MVC, JSP/JSTL/EL, jQuery.

The best portlets (for mobile) have dedicated mobile screens -- separate JSPs designed to suit mobile devices. In our controlers, we look at the user agent String and choose which JSPs to render based on it.

drew wills

On 11/22/2010 9:55 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:
It is a question, because no other Jasig project, currently in Jasig
subversion, uses JSF to my knowledge. So it's harder to share
code/techniques between any existing Jasig work and this project.

There is a lot of work already done for Mobile in Jasig, but not of it
uses or works with JSF. I'll let someone who is more familiar with the
current Jasig mobile work comment on what was used.

---- Cris J H

On 11/22/2010 09:46 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:
It is not really a choice, we have to use it because most of the
existing portlets used by the ESUP community are based on JSF. And
because we will have to enhance some of them to add the mobile view we
have to do with it. In this way the people working on this community
will be able to follow our guideline to enhance them portlets. Obviously
if it is a big problem to add mobile view we will have to suggest them
something else.

Otherwise we would have choice something else because it is not our
favorite Framework.

Why this question?


Le 22/11/2010 17:05, Cris J Holdorph a écrit :
Can you describe why you want to use JSF?

---- Cris J H

On 11/22/2010 08:59 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:

I am the project manager for the "ESUP Mobile Project", working at
We started the development last week. Our first portlet is a portlet to
display messages (email from an IMAP server that is under CAS).
Note that most of the ESUP portlet are using JSF (which is a real
difficulty to use the taglib WNG from Wurfl with JSF). Also the goal is
to have a multi-channel portlet (available to display data on mobile

Our strategy is:
1- to develop a web portlet with a default and simple skin (based on
2- build a filter (tomcat filter) based on WURFL to detect if the user
is using a mobile or a desktop browser
3- make a mechanism to choose the JSP depending of the detection
to use WNG taglib - from WURFL - or desktop to use classic JSF taglib)
4- modify the WNG taglib to work in an JSF environment.

The last step may failed or may be too hard or too complicate to
maintain. In this case we will reduce our constraints and we will use
another taglib to render data to mobile. We already think about
Trinidad. If you have suggestion I am open to them. We'd like to avoid
framework or library that are only webkit compatible, because we'd like
to support many mobile browsers and not only iphone and smartphone. It
is a wish that can be reduce depending on the complexity and the

Why WURFL, because it is THE taglib known by most of the mobile
developers that want a real compatibility with most of the mobiles.

We are currently at step 2. We made the step 1 with some small doubt on
step 1 because of the CAS environment, we do not have an IMAP that
support CAS here.

Do you have suggestions?
Do you have others informations?
Do not hesitate to contact me in order to have more information or to
share some knowledge.

Then we will have some others portlet to enhance or to develop
(Calendar, Directory based on LDAP, news, ...)

Let me know if you prefer another discussion channel than this one.


Frédéric Ravetier
Project Manager
Anyware-Services (
Phone: +33 5 62 19 19 03
Ametys: The CMS Java Open Source

Le 22/11/2010 16:03, Jonathan Markow a écrit :
I recently had a conversation with Alain Mayeur, director of ESUP
Portail, the nation-wide consortium of French universities that have
developed a "Digital Work Space" based on uPortal, CAS, and a host of
other open source applications that they have developed or integrated.
Alain told me about two projects currently underway that are of
interest to Jasig.

The first one is the ESUP Mobile Project. With several participating
universities, this project is working to coordinate the development of
mobile services supported by the mobile framework in uPortal 3.2. The
wiki page for the project (in French) is located at

A second project, also the result of a collaboration among several
organizations, is designed to enhance the content management
capabilities of uPortal.

Alain will ask the project leads to send us more information about
these initiatives. I am hoping there might be some areas in which
Jasig developers would be able to contribute.



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*Frédéric Ravetier*
Chef de projet
Tel : +33(0)5 62 19 19 03
Fax : +33(0)5 61 75 84 12
Adresse : Innopole 13 - L'Occitane - B.P 97672 - 31676 LABEGE CEDEX -

Ametys: le CMS Web Java Open Source
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