
Actually the problem is mainly on the taglib WNG. This is a shortcut of our analysis:

1. WURFL Database
On one side there is WURFL, which is at the beginning an XML file that is like a database because it contains a huge list of mobile references with them capabilities (screen size, supported languages, CSS, ...). This is useful to adapt the things to display and to adapt the WML/HTML/XHTML... code to the mobile.
Over this file, there is a Java API (there are probably some other languages) to read and to access the data. This can be used in portlets, and particularly to check if it is a mobile or a desktop browser because the database exists and is used by many applications in the world.

Note that there are a lot of differences between each mobile in the code supported even for XHTML mobile, you would be surprised. This is why they develop a taglib to render code depending on the handset and to avoid developing a JSP each and to add many conditions depending on the handset.

2. WNG Taglib
On the second side there is the taglib WNG that is used to generate appropriate code depending on the mobile. The developper has to use tags of the taglib and does not need to think about which mobile. The taglib manages the  doctype, WML or XHTML, tags like table... this taglib is the main problem:
- The taglib requires to use a Servlet Filter. This filter is not compatible with portlet context so it would be required to develop it.
- The taglib does not interpret parameters from JSF and most of the portlets of our project are in JSF. So it would be required to adapt the taglib to interpret the code with the risk to have to maintain another version for a small community.
The taglib can be used easily in a regular Servlet/JSP environment like Struts, Spring MVC... But for us it seems too complicate and not maintainable to use it in a portal and even more using JSF.

I hope my e-mail is answering correctly to your question.


Le 27/11/2010 01:23, Steve Swinsburg a écrit :
Hi Fred,

We are going to study another way to display views on mobile than WURFL/WNG because there are too many problem with this library

Could you expand a little on what issues you've found with WURFL?


On 27/11/2010, at 3:58 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:

Hello all,

Thanks Xavier for your answer.

I'd like to adjust something that I said because I wrote my answer too quickly :). The project managers of "ESUP Mobile" are Xavier Petard and Francis Forbeau. I am the project manager of a project for Paris Universities where we are going to develop portlets for web and mobiles.

We are going to study another way to display views on mobile than WURFL/WNG because there are too many problem with this library. I will contact Xavier to share our experiences. I will let you know about our progress.

Best regards,


Le 23/11/2010 17:49, Xavier Pétard a écrit :
Hi all,

our wiki pages about ESUP Mobile are in French, and before I have enough time to explain precisely what we have done or want to do, let me sketch it. We want to :
  • provide help for our community on mobile-ready uportal packages (hence our emails about lost sessions in 3.2.4) ;
  • provide a list of tested mobile portlets, whether coming from jasig or done locally ;
  • provide a framework to ease portlets development. We are currently rewriting our esup-commons framework, to be less tied to specific rendering methods : some developers here use JSF (Trinidad for mobile compliance, http://www.esup-portail.org/display/PROJCOMMONS/Esup-commons-jsf-trinidad), some others SpringMVC (http://www.esup-portail.org/display/PROJCANSTOCK/Esup+Portlet+Stockage). The last version is not anymore, like Frederic Ravetier mentioned, tied to JSF. Anyway, all the improvements made on the JSF part will certainly be included ;-)
We know for sure we will have to write different views between desktop and mobile, but one of the main questions now is device detection, which has to be consistent between portal and portlets, user being able to switch between views.

Thanks to Frederic Ravetier, he was quicker than me talking about ESUP Mobile. Anyware-Services is working with us on the project, with the Paris Universities (UNR Paris Ile de France).

Xavier Pétard
ESUP Portail

Le 22/11/10 19:12, Jen Bourey a écrit :
Hi Frederic,

It's great to hear from you, and I'm looking forward to Jasig and Esup Portail collaborating on mobile development.  I've been involved in both the mobile theme development for uPortal, as well as some of the mobile portlet development.  I'm traveling for the holidays today, but I'll try to compose a summary of what I know of the current state of mobile support in uPortal trunk, as well as some of the changes we've talked about making.

- Jen

On Nov 22, 2010, at 7:59 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:


I am the project manager for the "ESUP Mobile Project", working at Anyware-Services.
We started the development last week. Our first portlet is a portlet to display messages (email from an IMAP server that is under CAS).
Note that most of the ESUP portlet are using JSF (which is a real difficulty to use the taglib WNG from Wurfl with JSF). Also the goal is to have a multi-channel portlet (available to display data on mobile and desktop).

Our strategy is:
1- to develop a web portlet with a default and simple skin (based on JSF)
2- build a filter (tomcat filter) based on WURFL to detect if the user is using a mobile or a desktop browser
3- make a mechanism to choose the JSP depending of the detection (mobile to use WNG taglib - from WURFL - or desktop to use classic JSF taglib)
4- modify the WNG taglib to work in an JSF environment.

The last step may failed or may be too hard or too complicate to maintain. In this case we will reduce our constraints and we will use another taglib to render data to mobile. We already think about Trinidad. If you have suggestion I am open to them. We'd like to avoid framework or library that are only webkit compatible, because we'd like to support many mobile browsers and not only iphone and smartphone. It is a wish that can be reduce depending on the complexity and the maintainability.

Why WURFL, because it is THE taglib known by most of the mobile developers that want a real compatibility with most of the mobiles.

We are currently at step 2. We made the step 1 with some small doubt on step 1 because of the CAS environment, we do not have an IMAP that support CAS here.

Do you have suggestions?
Do you have others informations?
Do not hesitate to contact me in order to have more information or to share some knowledge.

Then we will have some others portlet to enhance or to develop (Calendar, Directory based on LDAP, news, ...)

Let me know if you prefer another discussion channel than this one.


Frédéric Ravetier
Project Manager
Anyware-Services (www.anyware-services.com)
Phone: +33 5 62 19 19 03
Ametys: The CMS Java Open Source www.ametys.org

Le 22/11/2010 16:03, Jonathan Markow a écrit :
I recently had a conversation with Alain Mayeur, director of ESUP Portail, the nation-wide consortium of French universities that have developed a "Digital Work Space" based on uPortal, CAS, and a host of other open source applications that they have developed or integrated.  Alain told me about two projects currently underway that are of interest to Jasig.

The first one is the ESUP Mobile Project.  With several participating universities, this project is working to coordinate the development of mobile services supported by the mobile framework in uPortal 3.2.  The wiki page for the project (in French) is located at http://www.esup-portail.org/display/PROJESUPMOBILE/Projet+ESUP+Mobile.

A second project, also the result of a collaboration among several organizations, is designed to enhance the content management capabilities of uPortal. 

Alain will ask the project leads to send us more information about these initiatives.  I am hoping there might be some areas in which Jasig developers would be able to contribute.



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Xavier Pétard
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
Université de La Rochelle

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Frédéric Ravetier
Chef de projet
Tel : +33(0)5 62 19 19 03
Fax : +33(0)5 61 75 84 12
Adresse : Innopole 13 - L'Occitane - B.P 97672 - 31676 LABEGE CEDEX - France

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Frédéric Ravetier
Chef de projet
Tel : +33(0)5 62 19 19 03
Fax : +33(0)5 61 75 84 12
Adresse : Innopole 13 - L'Occitane - B.P 97672 - 31676 LABEGE CEDEX - France

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