Hello, Frédéric-

Do you have specific questions about Jasig's mobile framework?  What kind of
information would be helpful to you?


2010/11/26 Frédéric Ravetier <frederic.ravet...@anyware-services.com>

>  Hello,
> Can you please give us more technical detail about your implementations
> please? We may change our way to do it soon.
> Regards,
> Fred
> Le 23/11/2010 16:51, Jennifer Bourey a écrit :
> Hi Frédéric,
>  While Jasig doesn't use JSF, we've so far developed several portlets that
> are capable of displaying both mobile and desktop views.   The development
> strategy so far has been fairly straightforward, and I believe fairly
> successfully.  Most of our portlets use Spring 2.5 with annotation-based
> controllers, combined with JSTL-based JSPs for the view layer.
>  We've generally written some sort of IViewSelector interface to assign
> JSPs appropriately to user requests.  It's worth noting that often these
> take both the browser's user agent and the portlet window state into
> consideration (we've found that often the non-focused view of portlets looks
> similar, or even overlaps with, the mobile view).  If you're interested in
> looking at sample mobile/desktop portlets that Jasig has already developed,
> the Calendar, Announcements, and Course Schedule portlets might all be good
> candidates.
>  Jasig makes an effort to ensure that portlets can be used in portals
> other than uPortal, and the view selector interface allows adopters to
> potentially plug in another implementation if the default doesn't work for
> the selected environment.  For example, in Liferay 5.x it's not possible to
> get the user-agent from the portlet request properties list, but we were
> able to get around that issue with an alternate implementation.
>  It seems like moving from custom regex parsing to using WURFL might be an
> improvement for browser detection.  I know that's a library that Steve
> Swinsburg recommended in an earlier thread as well.  I have to admit that
> I'm not personally familiar with WNG, so I'm not quite sure what use case
> its designed to meet.  I'll certainly take a look at it, but I'd love to
> hear what you all are planning to use it for.
>  The one note of caution about user agent-based view selection is that
> we've recently discussed a requirement for allowing users to select which
> portal view is displayed on a mobile device.  For example, an iPhone user
> might decide for some reason that they'd like to toggle between the
> full/desktop and mobile views of the portal.  To be able to implement that
> sort of feature, we'd need to have the portal get some sort of string
> representing the current portal theme and perform view selection based on
> that, rather than the user agent string.  We've initially had reservations
> about doing this since it seems like it would bring too much information
> about uportal into the portlet, but it seems like that feature is going to
> be increasingly expected from a mobile portal.
>  I noticed that your list of desired mobile portlets does overlap
> significantly with some of the current Jasig portlets.  The Jasig calendar
> portlet already has a mobile view, and Jasig also has RSS (News Reader) and
> LDAP directory search (called the Tabbed Search Portlet) that seem likely to
> acquire mobile views sometime soon.  I don't know if any of those might meet
> your needs, or be a suitable starting point for adding new features, but it
> would be terrific to be able to collaborate on mobile development between
> Jasig and ESUP Portail.
>  One last technical clarification: If this work is targeting uPortal 3.2,
> it seems like a Tomcat filter might not be a viable option.  I believe it's
> the case that filters can't be applied to portlet requests until JSR-286,
> which uPortal does not support.  However, as I've described above, we've
> been successful with performing JSP view selection from Spring-based portlet
> controllers.
>  - Jen
>  On Nov 22, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:
>  Hello,
> I am the project manager for the "ESUP Mobile Project", working at
> Anyware-Services.
> We started the development last week. Our first portlet is a portlet to
> display messages (email from an IMAP server that is under CAS).
> Note that most of the ESUP portlet are using JSF (which is a real
> difficulty to use the taglib WNG from Wurfl with JSF). Also the goal is to
> have a multi-channel portlet (available to display data on mobile and
> desktop).
> Our strategy is:
> 1- to develop a web portlet with a default and simple skin (based on JSF)
> 2- build a filter (tomcat filter) based on WURFL to detect if the user is
> using a mobile or a desktop browser
> 3- make a mechanism to choose the JSP depending of the detection (mobile to
> use WNG taglib - from WURFL - or desktop to use classic JSF taglib)
> 4- modify the WNG taglib to work in an JSF environment.
> The last step may failed or may be too hard or too complicate to maintain.
> In this case we will reduce our constraints and we will use another taglib
> to render data to mobile. We already think about Trinidad. If you have
> suggestion I am open to them. We'd like to avoid framework or library that
> are only webkit compatible, because we'd like to support many mobile
> browsers and not only iphone and smartphone. It is a wish that can be reduce
> depending on the complexity and the maintainability.
> Why WURFL, because it is THE taglib known by most of the mobile developers
> that want a real compatibility with most of the mobiles.
> We are currently at step 2. We made the step 1 with some small doubt on
> step 1 because of the CAS environment, we do not have an IMAP that support
> CAS here.
> Do you have suggestions?
> Do you have others informations?
> Do not hesitate to contact me in order to have more information or to share
> some knowledge.
> Then we will have some others portlet to enhance or to develop (Calendar,
> Directory based on LDAP, news, ...)
> Let me know if you prefer another discussion channel than this one.
> Sincerely,
> Frédéric Ravetier
> Project Manager
> Anyware-Services (www.anyware-services.com)
> frederic.ravet...@anyware-services.com
> Phone: +33 5 62 19 19 03
> Ametys: The CMS Java Open Source www.ametys.org
> Le 22/11/2010 16:03, Jonathan Markow a écrit :
> I recently had a conversation with Alain Mayeur, director of ESUP Portail,
> the nation-wide consortium of French universities that have developed a
> "Digital Work Space" based on uPortal, CAS, and a host of other open source
> applications that they have developed or integrated.  Alain told me about
> two projects currently underway that are of interest to Jasig.
> The first one is the ESUP Mobile Project.  With several participating
> universities, this project is working to coordinate the development of
> mobile services supported by the mobile framework in uPortal 3.2.  The wiki
> page for the project (in French) is located at
> http://www.esup-portail.org/display/PROJESUPMOBILE/Projet+ESUP+Mobile.
> A second project, also the result of a collaboration among several
> organizations, is designed to enhance the content management capabilities of
> uPortal.
> Alain will ask the project leads to send us more information about these
> initiatives.  I am hoping there might be some areas in which Jasig
> developers would be able to contribute.
> -Jonathan
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>    <http://www.anyware-services.com>
>  www.anyware-services.com    *Frédéric Ravetier*
>  Chef de projet
> frederic.ravet...@anyware-services.com
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