David Bovill wrote:

I agree with Bob here Richard.

On 20 May 2010 19:00, Bob Sneidar <bobs at twft.com> wrote:

RunRev's recent proposed approach would have forced RevMobile to be
iPhone/iPad only. That isn't the issue.

It is not exclusivity that is being asked for. It does not matter that Rev
was offered for one platform or many. It does not matter that the same game
are developed for iPhone and other platforms - exclusivity is not at all the
issue. The issue is control. Control to ensure that the lockin does not
migrate to any software platform that is offering pan-platform middleware -
whether that be Adobe or RunRev.

The fear is that cross platform development incentivises prioritising the
lowest common development, and the largest installed user base - which by
most accounts will soon be Android. Apple thinks it has an edge by competing
on the basis of design quality and constant innovation in the hardware and
OS - which it needs to trickle down to developers. If a tool maker does not
implement the latest features fast enough then the cutting edge products are
dragged down waiting for the tool makers to implement features, which they
are only motivated to do when the market is big enough.

So the fear, which is justified IMO, is in lock-in to proprietary middle
ware that Apple does not and cannot control.

It seems this post got lost in the shuffle:


Not every app needs coverflow.

What most of the world needs is well supported by most OSes.

That's what we do here with Rev: make a lot of people happy delivering the features they need, regardless which OS they use.

And that's what we'll be doing with mobile OSes too.

I agree it's unfortunate that Steve is locking iPhone customers out of the thousands of vertical-market apps that the rest of the world will enjoy, but if Kevin can't convince him to play ball I don't imagine I could either. Steve is free to be Steve, and I'm free to choose profitable deployment options. ;)

I'll step out on a limb to predict that within three years Steve will get over himself and lighten up on this unprecedented restriction. But I'll go further to suggest that by then it'll be too late to help him.

The question I am asking is are there not other ways to square the circle -
and would open source be one of those ways? If it were then you might expect
some of those iPhone platforms that export modifiable / open source code to
be accepted some time soon. Are there other ways in which a HyperCard like
app can be created which does not involve lock-in out side of Apples control?

Sure: deploy to Android. :)

On iPhone OS, apparently you're allowed to use runtime-interpreted instructions only if you name your app "Bento", "Numbers", or "GameSalad".

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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