On 20/05/2010 22:10, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

Someplace in Cupertino there is Politbureau sayinging no, life is as it was
in 1985....  Alas, it is not.

No, it isn't 1985; but in North Korea it is somewhere round about 1950; in
China it is a real case of mixed calendars, and in Venezuela they are
trying "Back to the future". The fact that this happens in socking great
companies as well does not surprise me in the slightest.

They shot Stalin and Beria; only to replace him with Khruschev; who, while
looking plausible was the man who supervised the slave labourers (political
dissidents) building the Moscow Metro, and used to whip his pistol out and
shoot people who flagged.

Hitler saved somebody the bother; the West had a jolly show trial and shot
a lot of totalitarian types; but let Spain go on its foul way under Franco
until he died.

So; as Apple seems very much a top-down sort of organisation, replacing
Steve Jobs would only mean finding another of the same.
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