Hi Mark :

> It can be done but it's more cumbersome...

(edit is placed at bottom of this mail)

> Correct me if I'm wrong...

Thanks Mark , sounds feasible . Where abouts in VSL do
we plug formulas in ? Is there an example anywhere in
the HTML manual (or anywhere) where a user defined for-
mula is used in VSL (I don't think so) .

> The thing I meant didn't have to do with displacement specifically... 
> it's just a tool (imaginary for now) that allows pasting of objects 
> procedurally, using VSL or textures instead of manual hard labour ;)

Yes , of course , and that is exactly and very specifically what
I am blowing all this wind about : again - using VSL to evaluate a
mesh's qualities via boolean logic so that colours/objects/etc
can be automatically distributed or applied . I've been asking
about that here for some time now , so of course I understand
what you are talking about since it is exactly the very same
thing I was suggesting a year ago , using WCS's automatic
texture and object placing controls as an original example .

  No idea what words I'm using that are confusing this simple
concept (attack a mesh with VSL ... remember ?) . Going around
in a big circle here again ... no idea why .

  Anyway , to answer your above reply more specifically , now
that the misunderstanding is cleared up , what I was getting
at (was if VSL can evaluate a mesh (somehow) can it evaluate
a displaced mesh (as opposed to a polygon/nurbs mesh) in
order to attach objects to the exact surface of that displ-
aced mesh , accurately & automatically (whew!!) .

> Displacement isn't suitable for close-ups, that's a limitation: the 
> camera can't get 'into' these landscapes. I think that's one of the 
> most difficult things to achieve: both large-scale and small-scale in 
> the same scene...

  Ya , but doesn't that just boil down to mesh density ? Surely we
can have displaced facial features so then the mesh size must be
expanded for closeups ... huge meshes must be used for detailed
landscapes , which might not be feasible with todays hardware .
> I also worked with high-density meshes in poly and triset mode, this 
> is more flexible than the displacement approach but you see the polys 
> ;( It would be nice to have displacement available in these modes too.

  Yes , but how dense exactly ? How about nurbs ? How dense exactly ?
Anyway my point in that last mail was that the densities required
may requre hardware beyond today's in order to raytrace these super
dense meshes .

> -Mark H


It can be done but it's more cumbersome...

OR: just put different If statements behind each other ->
IF A>0 OR B>1 ... becomes in VSL:
If (A>0)
.... [statements]
If B>1
...  [the same statements]

AND: nest them:
IF A>0 AND B>1 ... becomes in VSL:
If (A>0)
     If (B>1)

IF A>0 ... ELSE ...
becomes in VSL:
If (A>0)
If A<=0)

Correct me if I'm wrong...

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