Hi Mark

Cool, I had a fast look at it and it seems to worked well...
I have worked with this customchannel workflow before, for controlling scope or other attributes on a pointwise basis as well as for objects, similar to the "Light sensitive" material and customchannel for lightsources and so on...

I guess the script of Zaug you refer to, is his wonderful RealRangeZ script (only needs pointwise stuff, and it would be the superscript, well its already my favorite anyway) ! Just wondering how you could set custom channel with it, as it dont have directly access to them, as they arent added in !? I will have a look if I can add that to it...as I am not too keen on setting values for tons of objects manually for each..=)

Thanks so much for digging this up, much appreciated !

rofl... I wish it wasnt the imagination that was the limit...at least not in my case... =) Is that why I never complete any of my prjs..?=), my imagination limit is way too low....hehe

Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

I'll try if I can find the project and posts in the archive (I must have
posted it here!), some deep digging to do ;)

-Mark H

Got it!
You can set 'myvectorchannel' in the object's Properties/Attributes tab
individually and the material is scaled accordingly by one VSL material.

Of course, scaling is just one example, anything can be done with these
different ID values. The only limitation is the imagination!

have fun,
-Mark H

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