Hi Dean..

A quick note..
You can hover with the mousepointer over needed part of RS and press (F1 Key) (Help) and the manual with that part of it shown..
Hover over the 'View' window and press F1... and so on..

Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

When one has a single view open, what is that view direction usually?
Perspective view, is it not? If not, what is it, top, side, front? I
modeled a sphere, tried to affect the proper points by selecting them
and then moving to the single view's "right" direction. Switched to
Quad view with the convenient quad view button and found that what I
thought would be an even stretch was in fact not going in the
direction I thought. In fact in quad view a top/side/front view were
very different. Where are view ports and their behavior described in
detail, where in the manual. This seems such a basic thing for me to
not understand...manual page?

as a side note what if I wanted to move those selected points
numerically in X direction by a certain amount of units? Move/
translate numerically comes to mind, where is that?

Holding x, y and z while dragging does affect things nicely, thanks, I
believe it was you that gave me that


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