Shiva Kumar H R wrote:

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Shiva Kumar H R <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Peter Petersson
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Hi Jim

        I assume you are trying to install liferay in geronimo and not
        just generate a new plan, with you do not need to, as Shiva
        have provided you with one (the geronimo-web.xml).

        Aside from the security dependency issue you have that I hope
        **someone else** that are more familiar with the security
        (dependency) changes done between G v2.0.2 and v2.1 will help
        you with, there are a couple of more things to do:

        As the liferay-portal-geronimo-tomcat car is dependent (if you
        haven't changed the geronimo-web.xml regarding the db pool) on
        the liferay-portal-geronimo-derby-pool car, so to successfully
        install the liferay-portal-geronimo-tomcat car you have to
        install the derby pool **before** the
        liferay-portal-geronimo-tomcat car.
After a smal tweak of the META-INF/geronimo-plugin.xml
        included in the derby-pool car file you should be able to
        install the db pool by issuing

        deploy --user <user> --password <passoword> install-plugin <derby pool car 
        The geronimo-plugin.xml tweak consist of changing the version
        tag in the geronimo-plugin.xml to
        <version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</version> (omit -snapshot for released
        geronimo). The same command (as above) can then be used on the
        liferay-portal-geronimo-tomcat car (when the security
        dependency issue is fixed)

    Looks like there is more to it than just that. I have been trying
    it since yesterday and it is failing with below error:

    Installation FAILED: A plugin configuration must include one
    plugin artifact, not 0

Alright this is now solved :) . Update the geronimo-plugin.xml inside with the one attached here.

(The schema for geronimo-plugin.xml has changed and I have updated it accordingly by looking at other examples.)
ahh, yes now I remember it was more to it than just the version it was a couple of weeks ago I messed around with the pool and it slipped my mind, good to here you solved it.
  peter petersson
Now let me deploy liferay-portal-4.4.1.war using the plan provided by DJencks.


    Any idea where is the source for ?

        Maybe this link will be of some help to you even though it is
        a bit outdated

          peter petersson

        Jim Foster wrote:
        Shiva Kumar H R wrote:
        There are two problems, both in Plan Creator feature:
        1) Error message/Java Exceptions are suppressed by Plan Creator code and
        shown to the user at all :-(

        With liferay-portal-4.4.1.war, when I ran Geronimo in debug mode and
        connected via Eclipse (with a break point put at the beginning of
        function inside "plancreator-portlets" module), I found that we are
        following exception:

        Could not load servlet class: com.liferay.portal.servlet.MainServlet

        Instead of showing this error on Console, plan creator is currently
        suppressing it in an empty catch() block.
        *is opened for this.

        2) Secondly, I see that the class it is complaining "
        com.liferay.portal.servlet.MainServlet" *does* exist, but inside a
        compressed jar ("portal-impl.jar") in WEB-INF/lib directory of WAR. Plan
        Creator has a current limitation :-( in resolving such classes. *
        GERONIMO-3851 <> *is
        opened for this.

        Due to these bugs/limitations, I am sorry to say that you will again 
        create geronimo-web.xml by hand. I found one "geronimo-web.xml" inside
        liferay-portal-4.4.1.war itself. I have removed non-existing 
        from it and attached it in this mail. Please see if it works. (I guess 
        requires some pre-requisite db-pools to be deployed before the WAR can 
        deployed). Hope it helps.


        Hi Shiva,

        Is there any new word on the origins of the security configuration 
errors we
        were seeing?

        I have spent a good deal of time this week reading everything I could 
get my
        hands on, including a healthy chunk of the 120 Geronimo articles up at 
( <>).
        However, the most recent I could find that seemed relevant to this 
issue was
        on the wiki:

        However, this is an installation document, and provides little in the 
way of
        debugging guidelines, and I  am only now just far enough along in 
        my head around all the technologies that make up Geronimo to get myself 


        Once past this, I would like your advise on how to bring up to date the
        Liferay-provided .car file for the derby pool. I looked at its 
contents, and
        I see that they are clearly wrong (my guess is that they were written 
        v1.1), but I am not quite sure how to go about fixing it so as to be in
        alignment with v2.1 step at a time though...first the security issue.

        Thank you for your time, patience, and advise.


-- Thanks, Shiva

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