
>> See http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Visualization_options_for_graphs
>> I have a modified and embedded version of neoclipse inside my AWE
>> application (see the online videos on youtube and vimeo). I use it to allow
>> advanced users to browse the database :-)
> Well, your users must be very advanced and I am not :) Neoclipe is
> really a very nice tool, but I tried to open a created timeline with
> it and it almost exploded, which is understandable. I am allowed to
> choose the depth, but am not allowed to choose what data to see. I
> can't say show me the data between 5 and 6 in the morning or whatever
> else. Or maybe am I missing something?

You can choose which relationship types and directions to view, but 
that's it. Try decreasing the maximum number of nodes to show in the 
preferences, if you're OK with some missing data in the visualization. 
To just browse a graph and look at the structure it can be useful to 
bring the maximum down to 20 or so.


> Probably because of the database type the "old" way of having a look
> at the data is not possible any longer. But then which is the right
> way? Having a console and let Gremlin shine?
> [...]
>>> 4) Indexes in rdbm are done on a table basis and every new record gets
>>> inserted. Now you have to add the values to the index? It looks to me
>>> as if you index only what you want to, right? But while not indexing
>>> in an rdbm leads to slover results, in this case the result is
>>> missing?
>> This is only due to there being two search API's. If you search using the
>> index, you get answers from the index. If you search using the graph you get
>> answers from the graph. Many questions are actually faster using the graph,
>> so you should not be too quick to use an index at all. In fact, dare I say
>> it, if you need an index perhaps you have not modeled the graph correctly
>> :-)
>> (having said that, I do use the index myself, but less often than the
>> graph).
>> In an RDBMS the normal, non-indexed search is extremely slow (brute force
>> search), and the index is a drop-in replacement for that. But in the graph,
>> the only brute force search would be a full database scan, which no-one sane
>> would do... Instead the graph search requires knowledge of the graph
>> structure, and therefor the search query can be complex, and by definition
>> completely different to an index search. So the graph search and index
>> search are far too different to be placed behind the same API. However, I
>> could imagine that some object db wrappers like neo4j.rb and jo4neo might be
>> able to do this, since they have influence over, and knowledge of, the graph
>> structure they create.
> Ok, I change my question. What do you do when you have two big types
> of data, one that does perfectly fit in the graph concept, and one the
> really doesn't have anything to do with it? I guess you put everything
> into the neo4j db and then query one with the graph traverser and the
> other one with the lucene indexer?
> My questions might seem a bit dummy, I apologize for that, I am trying
> to understand why and how I should make use of a graph database.
> [...]
>>> 7) Foreign keys. Do they always simply get Relationships?
>> A foreign key is an rdbms concept. You could do it the rdbms way by storing
>> a property on one node that can be looked up in an index to get the other
>> node, but that would be like deliberately not using the graph. So it is
>> generally correct to model a 'foreign key' as a relationship. But perhaps
>> I'm not understanding what you mean by 'do they get relationships'?
>> (there is not, as far as I remember, any mention of the term 'foreign key'
>> in the neo4j docs, so perhaps you should give an example of what you mean)
> Sorry, this was a language glitch:
> do they get relationships == are they always modeled to relationships
> when migrating to a graph concept
> And your answer is what I expected.
>>> Well, that is it for a first round. If you find the time to answer this,
>>> thanks.
>> Hope the answers helped.
>> Regards, Craig
> Thanks,
> Andrea
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