> That sounds nice. My scenario is something like: I have a centralized
> database. On the Desktop side I have a workstation on which I do GIS
> analysis. People want to get a chunk of data of interest, so they can
> "pollute" them with their analyses until they are happy. So it is a
> bit the concept of a distributed versioning system. I have my local
> workspace, on which I play, then I could push back that result I
> liked.
> Anything like that around? :)

Not that I know of, but the issue I believe has been tackled by many users
of neo4j. It is quote domain specific, and so not easy to generalize, but
probably not that hard to implement for a limited, specific domain.

For example, I have a product that has three components, an Android client
collecting data and posting JSON packets at a central neo4j server, which
adds them to a graph. Then my desktop app, just like yours, queries the
server for a subset of the data, duplicates that in its internal, local
neo4j database, and performs statistical calculations on that. I do not
(yet) publish these results back to the central server, so I have not dealt
with any versioning or conflict resolution, but have thought about it (at
least within the scope of my domain).
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