On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 10:33:35 -0400, David Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the input. i can see what you mean about the conditionals and
> looping looking cleaner. but the ease of use of sticking any kind of
> java object in the context and calling out its properties by
> $object.property or $object.nestedObject.property is the part of
> velocity that i think is cleaner. tastes vary.

Note that JSP 2.0 provides essentially the same thing anywhere in
template text, not just in tag attributes ... the only difference is
you need curly braces around the expressions:

  <p>Hello ${customer.name},</p>

  <p>Your account balance is ${customer.account.total} and
   was due on ${customer.account.dueDate}.  Pay up or else!</p>

  <p>Your friendly accounts receiveable team</p>

> dave


> On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 22:37, Rick Reumann wrote:
> > David Evans wrote:
> >
> > > Could you elaborate on what you find distastful about Velocity?
> >
> > I wasn't being "all" seriously when I said "yuk":) but seriously I do
> > find that when you have a decent amount of conditional logic on a page
> > (which sometimes during presentation is unavoidable if you want to
> > re-use a page/template), I think JSTL <c:when><c:otherwise> constructs
> > look cleaner. Mind you, "bad" JSP with a bunch of scriplets is horrible,
> > but JSP 2.0 and JSTL looks pretty sweat. More of a matter of preference
> > though I guess.
> >
> > Actually a bunch of us get in this debate a lot and it would be
> > interesting to see a "code off" challenge of two views (JSP vs Velocity)
> > done to best standards and dealing with a fairly complex presentation.
> > Usually the examples you see either bastardize one or the other and
> > don't treat the opposing view fairly.
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