> Or, alternatively, don't use the internal artemis anymore, and only rely
on the external. That is probably even more work.

Assuming you're using managed resources (e.g. MDBs for consuming and
pooled-connection-factory for sending) and don't have connection
configuration details littered through your code then switching completely
to an external broker should actually be pretty simple - just a matter of
changing a bit of XML.

In any case, I think the underlying issue with MQTT + Wildfly is probably
fairly simple.  It's just a matter of setting aside some time to reproduce
the issue and dig into it.  You could, of course, crack open the broker in
the debugger yourself and take a peek.  This is open-source after all.
Contributions are always welcome.


On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 7:17 AM, thoutekier <thomas.houtek...@barco.com>

> Hi Justin,
> I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't consider that an option.
> What I want to do is expose the queues and topic of the internal jms-bus
> over MQTT. JMS is used extensively in my application and I currently expose
> access to those messages outside of the server using a http-wrapper: a
> pub/sub implementation using long-polling.
> I want to replace that with mqtt.
> Adding an external broker next to wildfly just to have MQTT-support, adds
> too much complexity:  I'll have to synchronize the wildfly-internal jms-bus
> with this external one, in both directions.
> Or, alternatively, don't use the internal artemis anymore, and only rely on
> the external. That is probably even more work.
> Deployment doesn't become easier either.
> So you see, even if it is possible, it isn't all that simple, so it doesn't
> really help me :-)
> Bottomline is, if I can't get MQTT up and running in wildfly, I won't be
> using it at all.
> Thomas
> --
> Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-
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