I think there's still value in you determining whether this use case works
in standalone Artemis. If your existing code works as expected against
standalone Artemis but not against Artemis embedded in Wildfly, you'll have
demonstrated that the problem is within Wildfly, which might make it more
likely that they will fix the Wildfly bug you submitted. If not, then
either there's a bug in the Artemis code or a bug in your MQTT code, and
we'd need to figure out which one. If it was a bug in the Artemis code, the
devs are very responsive, so you'd get a fix quickly, and if it's in your
code, then you control your own destiny. But it all starts with you
determining whether your code works with standalone Artemis.

Note that I'm not proposing that you have to run that way in production, or
that you have to convert every single piece of your application to use the
standalone broker; just do enough to show whether it works or not.


On Sep 22, 2017 6:18 AM, "thoutekier" <thomas.houtek...@barco.com> wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't consider that an option.
> What I want to do is expose the queues and topic of the internal jms-bus
> over MQTT. JMS is used extensively in my application and I currently expose
> access to those messages outside of the server using a http-wrapper: a
> pub/sub implementation using long-polling.
> I want to replace that with mqtt.
> Adding an external broker next to wildfly just to have MQTT-support, adds
> too much complexity:  I'll have to synchronize the wildfly-internal jms-bus
> with this external one, in both directions.
> Or, alternatively, don't use the internal artemis anymore, and only rely on
> the external. That is probably even more work.
> Deployment doesn't become easier either.
> So you see, even if it is possible, it isn't all that simple, so it doesn't
> really help me :-)
> Bottomline is, if I can't get MQTT up and running in wildfly, I won't be
> using it at all.
> Thomas
> --
> Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-
> f2341805.html

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