Here, here. But what about gov'ts mandating simply that the format structure be open (without mandating a specific one be used)? That's not political IMHO.

On 11/19/12 3:15 PM, M Henri Day wrote:
2012/11/19 VA <>

At the risk of getting political, the last thing I want is my government
dictating to me what kind of file format to use on my documents.


At the risk of getting political, the last thing I want is a multi-national
corporation, responsible to no one save a few major shareholders and/or top
executives, which, due to its domination of the market, can effectively
render it manditory for me to use its proprietary file format....

Regulation of markets, so that they remain as free and accessible as
possible, is one of the principle tasks of government....



Carl Paulsen

8 Hamilton Street

Dover, NH 03820

(603) 749-2310

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