Hi :)
I tend to use Office either 
1.  as a generic term covering MS Office, LO, Gnome Office and all the rest 
(incl ones i don't know) or
2.  meaning LO (unless chatting with colleagues)

If i am chatting with colleagues and they use the term it's usually to say that 
something is broken or weird or doesn't work properly in MSO so i make them 
clarify which Office they are talking about and if they say the MS one then i 
grimace and shrug and maybe even vocalise the "Well what do you expect?  That 
is one of the many typical problems with MSO.  You have to either put up with 
it (as everyone else does) or use LO.  Don't worry though because no-one else 
will notice that mangling of your document because they are so familiar with 
that sort of thing from MSO"

Regards from
Tom :)

> From: James Knott <james.kn...@rogers.com>
>To: LibreOffice <users@global.libreoffice.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2012, 11:15
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?
>Don Myers wrote:
>> I have never purchased a copy of Windows either. I only get it when it comes 
>> on a computer. Microsoft charges computer companies less than what the 
>> public pays, but the last time I heard anything it was something like $50 
>> per computer that the computer companies pay Microsoft for Windows. So we 
>> both do pay for it with  new computer.
>And lets not forget the time bombed versions of Office that's included with 
>many new computers.  People start using it, and then, after a while, find they 
>can't work with their own documents unless they pay for Office.
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