In practical terms hosting a public endpoint is an expensive business. To take DBPedia as an example it is billions of triples and so needs appropriate hardware. Let’s assume you wanted to host this in Amazon EC2 and wanted to use a r3.8xlarge instance (32 cores, 244 GiB RAM, 2x320GB SSD, 10 GigE network) as an example. The hourly rate for this is $2.66 per hour which works out as approximately $23,000 per year, even if we were to use a reserve instance and pay up front that would still cost approximately $12,000 per year. This is before we even take into account bandwidth, Storage and ongoing support costs. As has already been pointed out everybody here is volunteers, we do not have any large corporate sponsors like other high profile Apache projects, so where do you expect that money to come from?


I know about the calculations since so many years, but 'out of the blue' if some managers wanted a presentation with my Sparql-Query-UI using the well-known Dbpedia public endpoint and they wanted to see very fluently working query-process a bit more intelligent then Google, and if you come then after 10 minutes with 'Excuse me, yo know the costs of an endpoint...', they think, where a good idea is, there is also money for it in such a simple demonstration case, why is there no money for such a good idea? To make some simple live-experience with a permanently reliable public-endpoint accessible for each one to each time is much-much more important than harebrained SPARQL-queries.

I have had always the feeling something went wrong in this story, the question is what?



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