> Sorry, i couldn't follow this thread in details, what kind of app (it is
> not a Jena app, that's clear to me) do you have querying your Fuseki
> database? When i know this, the rest of this thread could perhaps be also
> useful to me...

You can read the entire discussion here 
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/jena-users/201705.mbox/browser this 
thread started here 

It started as a question to return nested JSON results, also related to this 
issue https://github.com/apache/jena/pull/114#issuecomment-301232156
Then the discussion diverged a little bit toward a different type of query 
(CONSTRUCT) with JSON-LD results. Right now I'm still trying to understand 
if/how Fuseki supports "framed JSON-LD" results. I hope somebody can answer.

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