On May 16, 2017, at 15:51, Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

>> That's ok, but i wanted to know what kind of app is querying your Fuseki
>> database? Only a hint.. I know it sounds 'fundamentally' not essential,
>> but for 'me' it is the practice of developement.
> Well yeah, I don't know why this would be useful... anyway I'm trying to do a 
> school project which is basically a Java desktop app using Fuseki as backend. 
> I've loaded a few datasets and I'm reading/writing from/to it. Also, I'm 
> using Fuseki to query via HTTP, and not any particular Java API for Jena. I'm 
> stuck trying to figure out how to return JSON-LD framed results. Still no 
> progress.

Respectfully, json-ld framing is way overkill unless you get extra credit for 

All you need is SELECT returning sparql-results+json and a JavaScript library 
that can do grouping (aka nesting). Even simpler, get text/csv and perform a 
grouping operation. This is a few lines of code using d3 (d3js.org) but there 
are no doubt other libraries that would provide this capability.


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