Thank you for your comment. I've tried different combinations of headers and 
arguments, but nothing seems to work. I'll just submit a bug report because I 
don't know what to try anymore.

Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 9:39 AM
From: "james anderson" <>
To: "Laura Morales" <>
Subject: Re: Return nested JSON results
good morning;

> On 2017-05-17, at 00:19, Laura Morales <> wrote:
>> is this sparql endpoint reachable from the public internet?
> No, I'm running it locally. I don't know if Apache has any "test" server to 
> try out, but you can install one easily.

i looked back at my notes for our implementation and find:

> in order to add the frame/context to the processing, the manner specified by 
> the json-ld spec is
> to include a link header in the response, as per [rfc5988].for example
> Link: <>; 
> rel=''; type='application/ld+json'
> as the purpose here is to apply the frame on the fly for output, that header 
> must be supplied in the request instead.

the basis is[]

and its definition of the media type,[]

that is:
- the json-ld documentation does not describe a means to specify any 
information to a json-ld server (in this case a sparql endpoint). it just 
provides means for the server to report the encoding variant
- the profile does not appears to provide a distinction for framed v/s 

this is, in the first place a json-ld issue and as they are now in the process 
or a 1.1formulation, i will write to them and ask how they intend to handle 

best regards, from berlin,

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