Hi Stefan,

It's sad you had issues. Whether you use it or not is your choice. If
you think there are more disadvantages than advantages, then don't use
it! However, I have yet to find a single case where this is true.

AFAIAC, I have been using it in production for the past 2 years without
any problem (on projects with 70+ developers and with 300+ maven
projects). This is simply to tell you there is hope and that it can
work... :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guðlaugur Stefán Egilsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 September 2003 12:50
> Subject: Usability issues & general ranting
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all
> I've been trying to get Maven to work with my project. I've
> spent about a day on that, with very little to show.
> First I'd like to say that I think it’s an extremely bad decision
> not to support CVS libraries (that is, the classic lib
> directory that typically contains the jars you are dependent
> on). Well, actually it is supported to some degree, but
> that support is similar to the support a rope gives a hanged
> man, which is not very desirable :-) I think the repository idea
> is excellent, but if you are going to establish a broad user
> base such as ant has, you have to support the way people are
> working now. A no. 1 requirement for Maven should be that it
> runs without hiccups on a standard project with a source directory,
> a test-source directory and a lib directory, preferably without
> any configuration whatsoever.
> To give you some idea of the problems I've been encountering, then
> it was first of all to get the thing to compile my source using
> "maven jar".
> I eventually gave up on using lib and jar overrides, and generated a
> local repository out of my library using a batch file.
> At that point, unit tests wouldn't run, with a ClassNotFoundException
> on JUnitTestRunner. If I removed the test clause from the project
> descriptor, a NullPointerException occurred!?! I then found that
> it is necessary to set a property to skip the tests (this is bad
> design
> imho, it should be enough to remove the test clause from the project
> descriptor). At this point, Maven finally gave me a jar.
> Then I tried to generate the web site this morning, which gives me
> a InvocationTargetException when running the maven-changelog-plugin.
> Btw, I re-enabled the tests this morning, at which time they ran
> (why is very mysterious to me), but ended with an
> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (that probably warrants a bug report to
> Sun).
> It's a test suite that runs fine under Ant and IntelliJ.
> I've basically given up on Maven for the time being. My impression
> of the state of the project is that it should not be in beta, the
> quality is more like that of an alpha-status project.
> With regards
> Guðlaugur Stefán Egilsson
> Dimon Software
> http://www.dimonsoftware.com
> Version: PGP 7.1.1
> iQA/AwUBP18Bw0JoRUzTQtNXEQJs9wCglRkUdQhjkGRNtGlhD6Ryau2aArAAoN0Y
> u5PnlwNgvjrFygdEQEolbqt9
> =t60v
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