On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> <rant>
> Guðlaugur Stefán Egilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/09/2003
> 08:49:40 PM:
> > First I'd like to say that I think it’s an extremely bad decision
> > not to support CVS libraries (that is, the classic lib
> > directory that typically contains the jars you are dependent
> > on). Well, actually it is supported to some degree, but
> Sorry, but bollocks. If people want to configure their own lib directory,
> the support is there, using the jar override facility.

I agree with Dion. One of the points of using Maven is for a series of
centralised repositories and not filling CVS full of lib/'s of jars.

> > At that point, unit tests wouldn't run, with a ClassNotFoundException
> > on JUnitTestRunner. If I removed the test clause from the project
> > descriptor, a NullPointerException occurred!?! I then found that
> > it is necessary to set a property to skip the tests (this is bad
> > design
> Nope, this is damn good design. Anyone who has tests that don't work
> should fix their tests instead of omitting them in the first place. Long
> term, omitting your tests is a good way to have broken software.

I'm assuming they ran okay through Ant before though Dion. So it would
seem that the problem is that the tests weren't compatible with junit that
maven uses or expects or something?

> > Then I tried to generate the web site this morning, which gives me
> > a InvocationTargetException when running the maven-changelog-plugin.
> Do you have a valid POM?

I regularly have pain with the changelog plugin. Seems to work with one
version, then not work with another etc. I suspect the example that Guðlaugur
is working on has an old version of the scm configuration or something.

> > Btw, I re-enabled the tests this morning, at which time they ran
> > (why is very mysterious to me), but ended with an
> > EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (that probably warrants a bug report to
> > Sun).

I'm getting a ClassCircularityError in JBoss from an Oracle driver
currently. I'll just go send Sun a report :)

> > It's a test suite that runs fine under Ant and IntelliJ.
> i.e. you've screwed up your Maven configuration....
> > I've basically given up on Maven for the time being. My impression
> > of the state of the project is that it should not be in beta, the
> > quality is more like that of an alpha-status project.
> Taken with the grain of salt it deserves.

The original author does need to learn that open source coding is not
created out of some desire to 'sell' a product to lots and lots of people,
but to satisfy the itch of the people involved.

If an open source project has one happy user [the creator], then it is
successful. If it has more than one happy user, then it is wildly

There are some parts it would be nice to understand. Why did the original
JUnit stuff fail [before he probably screwed the POM trying to get it to
work] and why did the changelog die.


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