
I would recommend Maven to everyone. I come from a Config Management
background and its hard pushing the principles on to other who don't
care or shouldn't care. Maven provides a framework for all to work
within and thus includes everybody in that framework.

So as long as everybody is willing it's a good thing.

The bigger the project gets and the more dependencies being produced the
more Maven starts coming into its own.

Before we moved to Maven we were using Ant very effectively, but it was
hard to manage even with the ability to include Ant scripts within Ant

There are not many situations where you would not use Maven. Now RC1 is
out on the streets and the Multiproject Plugin has reached maturity,
there are not more compelling reasons to stay away from Maven. Even in
our situation where we deploy onto Broad Vision and have no clean way of
deploying a WAR file, Maven has still managed to solve the majority of
the problems by allowing us to customize the plugins.

I still consider myself a Maven novice, only having migrated 2 months
earlier, but already I can't see myself going back to where we came

What we would like to see in the future is a Source Code Management and
Defect Management plugin to provide some form of Release Management.

Hope this helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Fisher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 October 2003 22:16
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Input from Maven Users

Based on your experience with Maven:
 - would you recommend its use to others?
 - Under what circumstances would you recommend its use?
 - In what circumstances would you recommending avoiding Maven?

Bateman Pat UK MYT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The multiproject report for divergent dependencies has been a life saver
in a 10+ project environment. 

The next step is getting POM multiple inheritance.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robles, Rogelio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 October 2003 20:22
To: 'Maven Users List'
Subject: RE: Input from Maven Users

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Siegfried Goeschl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +) Maintaining the JAR dependencies and versions across more than 10
> subprojects is a pain in the ass. Nothing wrong with MAVEN here but 
> I'm still thinking of a maven plugin doing the stuff from the command
> line such us 
> looking for conflicting versions of a JAR and replacing the 
> version number of 
> a JAR across multiple projects

I think this is the next step for effective POM mgmt in a mavenized
environment with dozens of projects:

* merges POMs generating the minimum common denominator POM to be used
as the parent POM for reactor based projects, I have done this manually
and it's slooow

* diffs between POMs, something like: diff -u pomx pomy > pom.diff (in


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