--- Bateman Pat UK MYT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tim,
> I would recommend Maven to everyone. I come from a
> Config Management
> background and its hard pushing the principles on to
> other who don't
> care or shouldn't care. Maven provides a framework
> for all to work
> within and thus includes everybody in that
> framework.
> So as long as everybody is willing it's a good
> thing.

I can only agree... I'm in charge for small developer
team, and another team which works with us remotely. 

I'm glad I do not have to develop and build scripts 
for all our subprojects, and management of
dependencies is easier...

> Before we moved to Maven we were using Ant very
> effectively, but it was
> hard to manage even with the ability to include Ant
> scripts within Ant
> scripts.

And with ten-some subprojects you will need just one
developer to manage all the ant stuff...
And another one ( he has to be armed, and given powers

to punish users :) ) to manage dependencies &
configuration :) 

> What we would like to see in the future is a Source
> Code Management and
> Defect Management plugin to provide some form of
> Release Management.

Well, release management strategy is already describe
in maven documentation. Seems to work for us. 


----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen
Softwareentwickler[In] für die Festanstellung. 
Arbeitsort: Mainz 
Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
----[ http://www.pribluda.de ]------------------------

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